Consumer category: 1529 books

Cover of Car Dealer Hell
by Charles G. Irion
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2009

Be armed and ready the next time you buy a car. Car Dealer Hell is a complete car buyer’s guide. This book exposes the scams, gimmicks and deceitful practices used by dealers every day. Get useful checklists, summaries and resources that will help you avoid car dealership traps while getting the best deal for your new or used car.
Cover of The Long Tail

The Long Tail

Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More

by Chris Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2006

What happens when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand in our culture go away and everything becomes available to everyone? "The Long Tail" is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets...
Cover of You Are What You Choose

You Are What You Choose

The Habits of Mind That Really Determine How We Make Decisions

by Scott de Marchi, James T. Hamilton
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2009

The hidden patterns behind the way we make decisions Several recent books, from Blink to Freakonomics to Predictably Irrational, have examined how people make choices. But none explain why different people have such different styles of decision making—and why those styles seem consistent...
Cover of The Way We'll Be

The Way We'll Be

The Zogby Report on the Transformation of the American Dream

by John Zogby
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2008

According to super pollster John Zogby, whom The Washington Post calls “the maverick predictor,” the conventional wisdom about the United States–that we’re isolated from the world, politically fragmented, and inclined toward material pleasure–isn’t just flawed; it may be 180 degrees from...
Cover of Retire Downtown

Retire Downtown

The Lifestyle Destination for Active Retirees and Empty Nesters

by Kyle Ezell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

Are you a Ruppie? More and more people are trending toward living downtown. Author Kyle Ezell demonstrates how empty nesters can live out their golden years full of fun and independence in the midst of the city.Ruppies--Retired Urban People--are cropping up all over the country. The populations...
Cover of Grapevine


Why Buzz Was a Fad but Word of Mouth Is Forever

by Dave Balter
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2005

Word of mouth is an amazingly powerful force — but how does it really work?. Businesses have become obsessed with stimulating word-of- mouth to counteract the declining effectiveness of advertising. But it’s easier said than done. As the founder of BzzAgent, a community of more than...
Cover of Once a Customer, Always a Customer, 3rd edition: Hw to deliver customer service that creates customers for life
by Chris Daffy
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2011

This book will make you view your organisation and customers in a new light. It shows beyond doubt that exceptional customer service can help any company to beat its competitors. In this revised edition — which includes a new chapter on e-service — Chris Daffy provides practical advice and real-world...
Cover of 邊緣商機:如何精準預測人工智慧、自動駕駛、共享經濟、無人商店等趨勢的下一步


The Signals are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe is Tomorrow’s Mainstream

by 艾美.韋伯, Amy Webb
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2017

★Amazon商業類暢銷榜第1名★2017年「公理商業圖書獎」商業科技類金獎書★2016年《Fast Company》雜誌年度十大好書★商業周刊1555期搶先推薦◎哥倫比亞大學、紐約大學最受矚目的「未來科技預測」課程教授,嘔心瀝血之作引領未來的科技早已不斷發出訊號。它們並非來自未來,而是你有沒有本事聽見!學習解讀今日的邊緣另類,免得錯過明日的尖端商機!邊緣地帶看似古怪的假設和創意,可能是顛覆未來人類生活的頂尖解決方案!人工智慧、機器學習、共享經濟、虛擬實境、無人車等話題正夯,哪些是未來的趨勢,哪些只是曇花一現的潮流?這些科技毫無疑問將改變我們的生活,影響我們的工作,我們該如何準備衝擊?又該如何掌握先機?本書介紹的是如何掌握未來的方法,只要照著做,可以讓你在世界改變的當下看得更加透徹。你將學到如何像未來主義者一樣思考,掌握逐漸自邊緣地帶躋入主流的嶄新趨勢,並且了解怎樣在當下,為未來做出更理想的決策。掌握未來的方法有六個步驟,本書將以許多案例來闡述。譬如索尼怎樣被駭客整到潰不成軍;譬如科學界在面對桃莉羊發佈時,怎樣在震驚之餘陷入群情激憤;譬如Uber的崛起,怎樣引發共享經濟的海嘯,以及可能隨之而來的泡沫。這類案例和故事大家可能耳熟能詳,但當我們依據這套方法破解其中的訊號時,你將從中察覺不尋常之處,並且改變你對周遭世界的解讀。請翻開扉頁、仔細傾聽。訊號正在跟你說話。預測未來趨勢的六大步驟第一,...
Cover of 創新的用途理論:掌握消費者選擇,創新不必碰運氣
by 克雷頓‧克里斯汀生 Clayton M. Christensen、泰迪‧霍爾 Taddy Hall、凱倫‧狄倫 Karen Dillon、大衛‧鄧肯 David S. Duncan
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 4, 2017

☆《華爾街日報》、英國《金融時報》、《財星》、《富比士》、《公司雜誌》專文報導推薦 ** ** 當代最有影響力的創新大師克里斯汀生最新著作 揭開破壞性創新未解決的關鍵:商機在哪裡?該如何創新? ** ** **顧客想要的不是你的產品或服務,**而是解決他問題的方案 學會問對問題,改變思考視角,找出顧客真正購買的原因 31****個給領導者的思考題,全方位審視創新關鍵 ** **   你的公司也這樣嗎?關心銷售狀況、哪些人會購買商品、對商品是否滿意,卻對顧客為何會選擇你產品的原因,而不是競爭對手的不太清楚。 為什麼不斷增加差異化新功能,銷售卻沒有同步成長?   錯誤的問題,永遠引導不到正確的方向。 一旦市場情勢改變,非常可能一夕瓦解過去成功的企業。   創新不只需要了解顧客的需求,更要了解:顧客選擇這個產品做什麼?也就是要了解顧客使用產品的用途,在什麼情境下使用,遠勝過拚命改善產品的功能、特色。   克里斯汀生是全球最受推崇的創新大師,他的破壞性創新理論是《經濟學人》評為有史以來最重要的六大管理著作之一,尤其當今無一產業不面臨被科技顛覆的威脅。   破壞性創新理論解析對競爭的回應,預測將被顛覆企業的行為,但並沒有指引企業該往何處創新或如何創新,才能顛覆市場的領導者或開創新市場,但「用途理論」可以做到這些。   經過20年的持續研究,克里斯汀生補上了破壞性創新理論最關鍵的缺口,提出「創新的用途理論」,轉換思考邏輯,以「用途」視角,找出顧客消費的「起因」,重新架構創新,並且深入解析什麼是用途?用途與需求有什麼不同?如何理解用途的社會面與情感面?   因此Netflix不是與亞馬遜競爭,而是跟你放鬆時做的每件事競爭(如打電玩) Facebook和抽菸某些時刻是在同樣的用途上競爭 BMW不只與傳統高級車款競爭,也跟Uber競爭   當你轉換視角...
Cover of Get High Sales By Knowing Your Customer

Get High Sales By Knowing Your Customer

Learn The Marketing Skills Of Customer Perception And Products Strategy So You Can Build Up Customer Loyalty And Get Them To Buy Your Products Again And Again Even With The Tough Market Competition

by Paula A. Robles
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Marketing, whether online or offline, is and always will be a people business. The concept of “building relationships” does not only apply to network marketing or affiliate marketing but in all the other forms of marketing as well. Marketers focus a great deal on building relationships...
Cover of Beer Quest West

Beer Quest West

The Craft Brewers of Alberta and British Columbia

by Jon C. Stott
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2011

It’s no secret that Canadians love beer, and in the western provinces, the large number of successful microbreweries continues to prove that distinct beer—high-quality beer—is important to our national pint-lovers. Beer Quest West is for homebrewers and beer aficionados alike: this is your guide...
Cover of The Ontario Craft Beer Guide
by Robin LeBlanc, Jordan St. John
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2016

Forget wine tours! This is the comprehensive guide to Ontario’s craft-beer revival and the brewers behind it. The renaissance of craft beer that has swept North America over the past thirty years has transformed the Ontario landscape, leaving over two hundred breweries, both great and humble,...
Cover of The Ontario Craft Beer Guide
by Robin LeBlanc, Jordan St. John
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2017

With nearly one hundred new breweries, this second edition of The Ontario Craft Beer Guide is an indispensable field guide to the province’s beer. The explosion of craft beer variety in North America has created a climate of amazing quality and bewildering options for beer drinkers. Choosing...
Cover of Blogging for beginners explained! Follow these step-by-step guidelines to start your first Blog in under an hour!
by Alvin Wells
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2018

If you're having these and similar questions:   How to use the power of Blogging to generate wealth?  How to promote Blog?   Maybe you've tried and failed and want to know why? Then read on!   If you have spent any time on the Internet, I am sure you have...
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