M N: 950 books

Book cover of Dr. Kaskel’s Living In Wellness, Volume One: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
by Larry Kaskel, M.D., Michael Kaskel
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2014

What if everything you thought you knew about nutrition for health and weight loss was wrong? What if doing the opposite of what you’ve been taught actually made significant changes in your weight and health? Would you follow a way of eating that goes against conventional wisdom, focusing mainly...
Book cover of Dessiner les frontières
by Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus, Claudine Moïse, Lorenza Mondada
Language: French
Release Date: February 14, 2018

En dépit d’une image stéréotypée d’un monde globalisé et ouvert, la notion de frontière ne cesse d’interpeller les chercheurs au travers de deux questions majeures : que deviennent alors les frontières entre espaces géographiques, linguistiques et culturels dans notre société cosmopolite,...
Book cover of Contextual Cognition

Contextual Cognition

The Sensus Communis of a Situated Mind

by Agustín Ibáñez, Adolfo M. García
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2018

This Brief introduces two empirically grounded models of situated mental phenomena: contextual social cognition (the collection of psychological processes underlying context-dependent social behavior) and action-language coupling (the integration of ongoing actions with movement-related verbal information)....
Book cover of Laser Precision Microprocessing of Materials
by A. G. Grigor'yants, M. A. Kazaryan, N. A. Lyabin
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2019

This reference focuses on the current state of fundamental research and industrial achievements in the field of precision laser processing of a wide range of metal, semiconductor and dielectric materials. The possibilities of microprocessing by pulsed nanosecond laser radiation and copper vapor laser...
Book cover of India's Disarmament Policy
by N.M. Ghatate
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Disarmament has been the main plank of India’s Foreign Policy since independence. However, of all international issues, it is the most pressing as it directly affects country’s capability to protect itself. It cannot be ignored as the future of humanity is at stake!To this end, the book examines...
Book cover of A Time-Release History of the Opioid Epidemic
by J.N. Campbell, Steven M. Rooney
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2018

This Brief takes the reader on a chemical journey by following the history for over two centuries of how an opiate became an opioid, thus spawning an empire and a series of crises. These imperfect resemblances of alkaloids are both natural and synthetic substances that, particularly in America, are...
Book cover of Der geheimnisvolle Raum

Der geheimnisvolle Raum

7 Live Escape Games zur Bibel

by Ingo Müller, Timo Nöh, Simon Sander
Language: German
Release Date: July 25, 2019

ein Raum – ein Team – eine Aufgabe – eine Stunde Ein Live Escape Game funktioniert nach einem einfachen Prinzip: Indizien suchen, Hinweise kombinieren, Rätsel lösen und Codes knacken, um das Geheimnis des Raumes zu lüften. Ohne Teamarbeit geht dabei nichts! Bei diesen Live Escape Games spielen...
Book cover of Aprender a ser. Por una pedagogía de la interioridad
by David Bueno i Torrens, Marta Burguet Arfelis, M.ª Rosa Buxarrais Estrada
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Sean las que sean las diversas estrategias somos muchos los que sentimos que una pedagogía de la interioridad influye tanto en la calidad de la mirada con la que nos dirigimos a los demás, sean los alumnos o los compañeros, como en la profundidad de lo que vivimos?
Book cover of Secuencias didácticas para aprender a escribir
by Joaquim Dolz Mestre, Núria Farrera Casas, Rosa Fort i Aran
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Este libro ofrece experiencias y propuestas de secuencias didácticas teniendo en cuenta criterios referidos a la diversidad de géneros y a los diferentes niveles educativos.
Book cover of Como ejercer la autoridad
by Hernán Alessandri M.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 26, 2013

Aspectos conceptuales de autoridad y paternidad, inspirados en la doctrina del P. Kentenich, y la forma de ejercer los principios de esta autoridad paternal.
Book cover of Direito Penal e Constituição

Direito Penal e Constituição

Diálogos entre Brasil e Portugal

by Álvaro Oxley da Rocha, Ana Paula Gonzatti da Silva, António Miguel Veiga
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 8, 2019

A presente obra é resultado de um já longo processo de cooperação científica entre a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra e o Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Criminais da PUCRS, e, mais recentemente, entre o Instituto Eduardo Correia e o Instituto de Direito Penal Económico...
Book cover of Petite enfance, services de garde éducatifs et développement des enfants
by Nathalie Bigras, Lise Lemay, Mélissa Tremblay
Language: French
Release Date: April 16, 2012

Depuis plus de quarante ans, la communauté scientifique s’interroge sur le bien-fondé des services de garde pendant la petite enfance. À l’aide des écrits publiés au cours de la première décennie du XXIe siècle, cet ouvrage souhaite informer et contribuer à la formation du lecteur avisé sur le développement des enfants qui fréquentent les services de garde.
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