Student category: 717 books

Cover of Designed for Learning

Designed for Learning

Transferring Wisdom to Digital Generations

by Alan Wimberley
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

The theme of the book is defining the role of teachers in blended learning environments. The book encourages teachers to use the blended classroom to engage with digital learners in highly intentional ways. The book articulates the need to create a moral exemplar approach to digital learning environments...
Cover of Mindfulness for Students

Mindfulness for Students

A Curriculum for Grades 3-8

by Wendy Fuchs
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2018

What if you walked into your classroom to find a room full of students who were working cooperatively with one another, focusing on the day’s lesson, and able to regulate their own thoughts and feelings? Learn how to teach mindfulness strategies to your elementary and middle school students to provide...
Cover of about Gender Identity Justice in Schools and Communities
by sj Miller
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

This premiere book in the new Teachers College Press series School : Questions carefully walks readers through both theory and practice to equip them with the skills needed to bring gender identity justice into classrooms, schools, and ultimately society. The text looks into the root causes and ways...
Cover of Travailler dans le Big Data - les 6 métiers vers lesquels s'orienter
by Juvénal CHOKOGOUE
Language: French
Release Date: February 16, 2018

En juillet 2014 dernier,  le gouvernement présentait les 34 plans de la Nouvelle France Industrielle (NFI), un projet de ré industrialisation  dont l’ambition est de  positionner la France stratégiquement sur  le Big Data.  Par ce projet, l’Etat montre officiellement que malgré l’engouement...
Cover of Bildung und Schluesselqualifikationen

Bildung und Schluesselqualifikationen

Zur Rolle der Schluesselqualifikationen an den Universitaeten

Language: German
Release Date: January 29, 2016

Können Schlüsselqualifikationen mehr als nur berufliche Handlungsfähigkeit (Employability) fördern? Sind sie Teil eines erweiterten Bildungsbegriffs oder nur die Bedingung der Möglichkeit von Bildung? Der Tagungsband dokumentiert Perspektiven aus Bildungswissenschaften, Philosophie, Erziehungswissenschaft,...
Cover of Innerer Dialog und Textproduktion

Innerer Dialog und Textproduktion

Ein Beitrag zur Ueberwindung von Schreibhemmungen Studierender beim Verfassen ihrer wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten

by Emma Huber
Language: German
Release Date: January 6, 2015

Wie kann der innere Dialog Studierende bei der Textproduktion für ihre wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten unterstützen und ihnen dabei helfen, Schreibhemmungen zu überwinden? Dazu vergleicht die Autorin entsprechende Beiträge aus Psychologie, Sprachwissenschaft, Pädagogik, Tiefenpsychologie...
Cover of Réussir ses révisions d'examens
by Michèle Longour
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Votre examen approche et vous avez du mal à organiser vos révisions ? Pas de panique, de la méthodologie ! Dans ce guide, suivez pas à pas nos conseils pour utiliser à plein ce temps d'études : comment faire un planning de révision astucieux, apprendre à se concentrer et à utiliser sa mémoire,...
Cover of Navigating Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom

Navigating Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom

Narrative Insights from Students and Educators

by Heather Killelea McEntarfer
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2016

Gender identity and sexuality play crucial roles in the educational experiences of students, parents, and teachers. Teacher education must more directly address the ways that schools reflect and reproduce oppressive gender norms, working to combat homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, and gendered...
Cover of How Improve Your Grades Easily

How Improve Your Grades Easily

This is an inspirational students study guide, workbook and planner for success in tests and exams

by M.N Precious Charles
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2019

I grew up in the first decade of my life failing: I know the pain and the disappointment that comes with failing. But you have to get past that and take responsibility. We all have failed sometimes, some of us too often. But one of the advantages of failing so many times is that I have been given...
Cover of Relacionarnos bien

Relacionarnos bien

Programas de Competencia Social para niñas y niños de 4 a 12 años

by Manuel Segura, Margarita Arcas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 17, 2017

Dirigido a profesores y profesoras que tengan la preocupación y la ilusión de educar a sus alumnos para la convivencia, este libro es eminentemente práctico y está basado en una sólida teoría. También es un material muy útil para padres y madres que quieran que sus hijos sepan relacionarse...
Cover of The Ultimate Guide to College Safety

The Ultimate Guide to College Safety

How to Protect Your Child From Online & Offline Threats to Their Personal Safety at College & Around Campus

by Peter J Canavan, Thomas J Mooney
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2018

New college students are led to believe that sharing personal information and freely expressing their opinions on social media is expected and their right to free speech. What they fail to understand is that any information they reveal may be used to steal their identity, prevent them from being hired...
Cover of Guia da alta performance para o enem
by Daniel Neto Campos
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 18, 2017

O Guia da Alta Performance para o ENEM é um livro que vai direto ao ponto, ensinando estratégias que farão o seu tempo de estudos render, trarão mais segurança para a realização da prova e facilitarão o alcance dos resultados que você tanto deseja obter no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio....
Cover of Noi del Nautico di Pozzallo - Come un Romanzo
by Giovanni Ragusa
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 14, 2015

Nella Trilogia degli Angeli il Nautico di Pozzallo, è una scuola dal respiro siculo che, aprendosi al Mediterraneo, è presente nel Mondo. Ragazzi veri in essa si muovono e vivono la loro esperienza scolastica. Ragazzi, colti nell’attimo di un miracolo educativo. Prendere quest’attimo...
Cover of Livro Como Passar no Teste de Proficiência da ICAO
by Daniel Celso Calazans, Marina Renata de Menezes
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 5, 2015

Como passar no Teste de Proficiência?  Esta foi uma pergunta feita por um piloto brasileiro com experiência nacional e internacional na atividade aérea. Embora fluente na língua inglesa e também em fraseologia de tráfego aéreo, nãofoi bem sucedido no teste de proficiência aplicado...
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