The sci-fi fantasy novel The Captains Propensity tells the amazing story of the sometimes buffoonish, former United League of Planets Captain Robert Michael Calyx and his adventures -and misadventures - in the fortieth century.----This once venerable but now decommissioned captain is presumably just along for the ride aboard the Starship Americus III, a newly upgraded, powerful, and swift tachyon-driven starship thats capable of traveling one thousand times the speed of light.----Americus III is on its maiden voyage to the planetary system of Rigel, a most bewildering star located in the constellation Orion. The trip will take the starship 860 light years from the United League of Planets humongous Star-Station, Earth II, which asynchronously orbits high above the extremely polluted and dying planet Earth.----Holy Jeranian Cow! Find out whats in store for the captain, the extraterrestrial beings he meets, and more importantly, for planet Earth in this mixed-up tale of adventure and wittiness.
The sci-fi fantasy novel The Captains Propensity tells the amazing story of the sometimes buffoonish, former United League of Planets Captain Robert Michael Calyx and his adventures -and misadventures - in the fortieth century.----This once venerable but now decommissioned captain is presumably just along for the ride aboard the Starship Americus III, a newly upgraded, powerful, and swift tachyon-driven starship thats capable of traveling one thousand times the speed of light.----Americus III is on its maiden voyage to the planetary system of Rigel, a most bewildering star located in the constellation Orion. The trip will take the starship 860 light years from the United League of Planets humongous Star-Station, Earth II, which asynchronously orbits high above the extremely polluted and dying planet Earth.----Holy Jeranian Cow! Find out whats in store for the captain, the extraterrestrial beings he meets, and more importantly, for planet Earth in this mixed-up tale of adventure and wittiness.