The reality of the propaganda Hero Che Guevara only came to light when I started to look for my birthparents. My first shock was, he was still alive! I met him, he was my father but everyone has to die sometime; he died on 1.1.2017. After sixteen years of research and many questions Che Guevara/Ciro Bustos could have answered. I found out how he was created into a propaganda hero. Visual evidence underlines how the fake was created.
The reality of the propaganda Hero Che Guevara only came to light when I started to look for my birthparents. My first shock was, he was still alive! I met him, he was my father but everyone has to die sometime; he died on 1.1.2017. After sixteen years of research and many questions Che Guevara/Ciro Bustos could have answered. I found out how he was created into a propaganda hero. Visual evidence underlines how the fake was created.