Although speed is, along with technique and coordination, one of the most important performance-limiting factors in tennis, apart from a few exceptions it is mentioned only sporadically if at all in the specialist tennis literature. In the rare cases when hints for practical training are given, they are usually too short or too general and unsystematic. When one considers that in championship tennis, according to court surface, a quarter to a third of all strokes are hit under time pressure (i.e. at least one stroke per point), then the influence of the various forms of speed on the match result is important. The authors of this book have been very active in this and other areas for decades, and set out the whole problem of speed in a systematic and tennis-specific way. They are convinced that this book will provide sufficient suggestions for optimal tennis-specific speed training for a wide range of tennis coaches and active players.
Although speed is, along with technique and coordination, one of the most important performance-limiting factors in tennis, apart from a few exceptions it is mentioned only sporadically if at all in the specialist tennis literature. In the rare cases when hints for practical training are given, they are usually too short or too general and unsystematic. When one considers that in championship tennis, according to court surface, a quarter to a third of all strokes are hit under time pressure (i.e. at least one stroke per point), then the influence of the various forms of speed on the match result is important. The authors of this book have been very active in this and other areas for decades, and set out the whole problem of speed in a systematic and tennis-specific way. They are convinced that this book will provide sufficient suggestions for optimal tennis-specific speed training for a wide range of tennis coaches and active players.