In this fourth installment of the “Note” series, including: Murder on the Wrong Note, Murder on a Philosophical Note (Blood on the Lake Path), and Murder on a Caribbean Note, Sam and Ian Temple, private investigators, attend the wedding of a friend in Cairo, Egypt. As usual, murder looms when Sam and Ian meet up with Ians long lost father. A husband and wife archaeologist team has disappeared just outside of their hotel. Nate, Ians father, convinces Sam and Ian to join his team to investigate the incident, which leads them through Egypts exotic sites chasing after a vicious gang.
In this fourth installment of the “Note” series, including: Murder on the Wrong Note, Murder on a Philosophical Note (Blood on the Lake Path), and Murder on a Caribbean Note, Sam and Ian Temple, private investigators, attend the wedding of a friend in Cairo, Egypt. As usual, murder looms when Sam and Ian meet up with Ians long lost father. A husband and wife archaeologist team has disappeared just outside of their hotel. Nate, Ians father, convinces Sam and Ian to join his team to investigate the incident, which leads them through Egypts exotic sites chasing after a vicious gang.