Cup imprint: 78 books

A Cup of Comfort for Writers

Inspirational Stories That Celebrate the Literary Life

by Colleen Sell
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2007

As every writer knows, keeping the faith isn't always easy. On those days when you find yourself literally at a loss for words, you may long for a little writer's TLC. In A Cup of Comfort for Writers, you'll meet more than fifty writers who, just like you, have faced down that empty page and won!...

A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism

Stories of Hope and Everyday Success

by Colleen Sell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2007

A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism is a collection of inspiring true stories that relates the strength, love, and devotion families like yours draw on daily. These heartwarming tales will connect you to other devoted and courageous parents, while giving light to your blessing-your...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 1, 2014

即使自由只剩下立錐之地 台北大學生佔領立法院,此情此景似曾相識,在歷史上絕不是第一次,應該也不會是最後一次。但今天台灣的學生,比中國的五四時代,甚至八九六四要清醒得多,他們很務實,這是學生運動裡最少見的。 或許這一切可以歸功於互聯網,因為學生運動,無論是法國的五月暴動,美國六十年代末的反越戰示威,還是中國的「紅衛兵」,都無一例外一腔熱血,理想大過天;或許,只是由於青春的荷爾蒙需要尋機釋放,革命永遠是最富爆炸性的機會。 但今天台北的學生不一樣,他們不為甚麼高尚遠大之理想,只出於最現實的生存考慮,看穿了政客的把戲,不想再聽廢話,最重要的是,他們知道有的東西比GDP...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 1, 2014

by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2014

The Road Not Taken 奧斯卡大獎揭曉在即,電影講地球上發生的一切事,不分過去、現在和未來,現實還是想像。 現實比小說還虛幻,日常生活中的戲劇衝突,峰迴路轉的情節,簡直俯拾皆是。譬如香港無日無新聞之喧鬧,如果真如英文的...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 1, 2013

by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2014

俾條路我行! Hong Kong : An Unwalkable City Glimpse 一切起源的莊園 Metropolis 睇多(口的) 識多(口的) Art&Culture 冷酷的黑暗昭如烈日 MACHINE 七彩燦爛的戰場 Baselworld 2014 PEOPLE 實現創作過程的樂趣 LAAB實現室 TRAVEL & TEE TIME 溫柔的沙漠 Namibia
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2014

處新變之世不亂 過去一年,由一月一日起,香港可以說是無一天不煩亂:「奶粉荒」、「限奶令」,車公廟的下籤,美國中情局間諜叛逃,七一數十萬人大遊行,林慧思老師遭重案組調查,香港電視不獲發牌,基本法所稱「香港居民」之漏洞,以及有史以來第二大黑色暴雨,還有八頭流浪牛居然接連遭輾死,現場直如噩夢。 難怪許多在香港讀書或打工的中國留學生,即俗稱「港漂」,也普遍對香港失望,認為「貨不對辦」:原以為香港是一個法治社會,文明秩序,現實是環境雜亂,不太國際化——...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 1, 2013

實用主義多面剃 Multi-Pragmatism PROLOGUE 說一句粗淺的老實話 美國一個電視節目討論美債,其中一個小童搞爛 Gag:「殺光中國人,我們就不用還債了」,主持人笑笑口說「這個主意有趣」,結果被圍,美國二十七個城市... FEATURE 實用主義越淮而枳 雜貨店主之「小」...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2014

擠迫的空間快裝不下愛情 今年二月十四日情人節,正好與中國農曆的正月十五重疊,「月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後」,是喜慶雙至的好日子。 中國的元宵節到底算不算情人節,值得另案討論。但「情人節」的節日,似乎已經被商業消費的刺激所壟斷,慶祝愛情,在某些社會,竟可以變成「宣示主權運動」,引發「人民內部矛盾」,製造有情人與單身族的大撕裂,甚至有政府為平民怨,譬如意大利,將二月十五日定為「單身節」——...
by CUP出版
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2014

好生活 好地圖 Good Life, Good Map PROLOGUE 功不在一時 FEATURE 不起眼的好生活 GLIMPSE 巨人的步伐 METROPOLIS 有得預防,點解唔防?

A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Women

A daily reminder of faith for Christian women by Christian Women

by James Stuart Bell, Carol McLean Wilde
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2007

In this special addition to the bestselling A Cup of Comfort series, more than 100 contributors extend a sisterly hand to help you stay on the path of Christian love and devotion every day of the year. You will cherish real-life heroines such as: Mimi, whose love for her daughter and trust...

A Cup of Comfort for Fathers

Stories that celebrate everything we love about Dad

by Colleen Sell
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2010

He gave you your eye color, your love of old movies, and the inspiration for countless inside jokes that only a father can appreciate. He's your Dad. A Cup of Comfort for Fathers celebrates the indescribable link between father and child through fifty stirring stories written by, for, and in...

A Cup of Comfort For Christmas

Stories that celebrate the warmth, joy, and wonder of the holiday

by Colleen Sell
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2007

The stories in this inspiring collection are joyous reminders of what the holidays are all about. Written by people just like you, these uplifting stories celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. You and your family will be thoroughly entertained by the celebrations, merriment, and revelations that...
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