Newton: 772 books

Book cover of Floetic Ascension of a Lotus: Christian Poetry, Prose & Spoken-Word
by Erika Newton
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2012

The subject matter within this book courageously scours the depths of the heart via such universal themes as overcoming childhood pain, understanding what true love really is - & what it is not, and what it means to have an authentic personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Through passionately...
Book cover of Fault Lines
by Pierz Newton-John
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

What does it take to make a man? The short stories of Pierz Newton John move through the full range of masculine experience, with an openness, not afraid to show men at their most lonely, sexual, loving, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes abusive. Tender moments between father and son, first sexual...
Book cover of Fresh Eyes on Jesus' Miracles

Fresh Eyes on Jesus' Miracles

Discovering New Insights in Familiar Passages

by Doug Newton
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2018

What can readers learn about personal transformation from Jesus turning water to wine? How does His feeding of the five thousand refocus their own call to serve?   In Fresh Eyes on Jesus’ Miracles, Pastor Doug Newton finds hidden truths in the gospels’ most familiar stories. From the wedding...
Book cover of Journées dans l'Au-delà
by Michael Newton
Language: French
Release Date: August 8, 2018

Les expériences aux frontières de la mort nous ont appris qu'au terme de notre existence humaine, nous passons dans un tunnel pour retrouver le lieu que nous avions quitté. Mais quel est ce lieu ? Que s'y passe-t-il ? Qui prend la décision d'envoyer une âme s'incarner dans la vie humaine ? Et...
Book cover of As Profecias do Apocalipse e o Livro de Daniel
by Sir Isaac Newton
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 1, 2011

Em 1997, quando era lançado o livro O Código da Bíblia, do jornalista americano Michael Drosnin, baseado nas descobertas do matemático israelense Elyahu Rips, o autor não fazia idéia do que seu livro iria provocar. Dez anos se passaram e agora uma obra mais polêmica ainda é publicada pela...
Book cover of The Modern Preserver: Jams, Pickles, Cordials, Compotes, and More
by Kylee Newton
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Innovative jam and pickle recipes offers a brand new take on a very old craft Preserving is an ancient technique that speaks to a modern sensibility. It puts you in step with the seasons, uses up leftover fruits and vegetables, and gives you complete control over what goes into your food. In...
Book cover of Angel Altars

Angel Altars

Creating Your Own Sacred Space

by Michelle Newton
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2014

Angel Altars: Creating your Own Sacred Space by author Michelle Newton will assist you to invite Angels into your life. Take a journey with Michelle as she personally reflects on the many diff erent avenues she has used to connect with her Angels over many years. Communicating with your Angels can bring...
Book cover of Optique


Présenté par Michel Blay

by Isaac Newton
Language: French
Release Date: January 7, 2015

D’un ensemble d’expériences, menées en 1665-1666, s’inscrivant dans le prolongement de celles de ses contemporains, Newton parvient à formuler une nouvelle hypothèse portant sur la lumière blanche : la lumière est un mélange hétérogène de rayons différemment réfrangibles provoquant...
Book cover of The Shakespeare Mask
by Newton Frohlich
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2010

Who wrote Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, 35 other plays,104 sonnets, and at least two long narrative poems considered to be among the greatest, if not the greatest, ever written? William Shakespeare? For over two hundred years, esteemed scholars and actors have doubted that answer for many reasons, including...
Book cover of Livwise


Easy Recipes for a Healthy, Happy Life

by Olivia Newton-John
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2012

Healthy, imaginative, delicious, and well-balanced recipes from the kitchens of Grammy-Award-winning artist, Olivia Newton-John.  
Book cover of The Death of James Dean
by Warren Newton Beath
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

With extensive research, this account of the Hollywood star and his legion of fans offers “the best narrative yet of Dean’s final ten hours” (San Francisco Examiner). Just before sunset on September 20, 1955, James Byron Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder collided with Donald Gene Turnupseed’s...
Book cover of Death of a Good Job
by Matthew Newton
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2013

While on vacation in the Pennsylvania mountains with his wife and three-year-old son, Matthew Newton receives a voice mail from his employer. "Please call back as soon as you can," says the man's voice on the message. When Matthew returns the call he learns that he no longer has a job. And...
Book cover of Wie ich gelernt habe häufiger zu Lächeln
by Marion Neumann, Dawn Newton
Language: German
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Wünscht Du dir auch mehr glückliche Momente in deinem Leben? Würdest Du auch am liebsten alles in deinem Umfeld aufräumen? Fühlst Du dich von so viel negativer Energie umhüllt, dass dir manchmal sogar der Atmen stockt? Dann ist dieses Buch ideal für dich. Die Autorin Marion Neumann gibt dir...
Book cover of Money Saving Tips for College Students
by Melissa Newton
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2015

As a money smart college student, you know making good financial decisions now prepares you to enjoy financial wealth today and into the future. Money Saving Tips for College Students gives you 108 ideas and resources on how to save money without compromising your lifestyle.We cover money saving...
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