Matthew Grant: 47 books

Book cover of First Time with the Gay Vampire
by Mark Pace, Matthew W. Grant
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Eternal love or the final nail in the coffin... Drew Carlton is a 25 year old athletic hunk who doesn't know how good-looking he really is. He's waited a long time for the special night when he enters Club Fangtasy, nervous about his first time with a man. Especially a man who also happens...
Book cover of The Wicked Hot Wizard of Oz
by Mark Pace, Matthew W. Grant
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

Over the rainbow. Waaaay over... Farm boy Donny Windham has two big problems: he's in the closet; and he's in love with his straight best friend! His solution? Run away from home to someplace he's not the only gay guy in a two hundred mile radius of his family's Kansas farm. Before he...
Book cover of Lust for the Vampire
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2017

Eternal love or the final nail in the coffin... Colleen Dawson doesn't know how beautiful she really is.  She's waited a long time for the special night when she enters Club Fangtasy, nervous about her first time.  Especially with a man who happens to be a vampire. Ben Wilhelm won't...
Book cover of Joyce of Westerfloyce, The Story of the Tiny Little Girl with the Tiny Little Voice
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

A Perfect Little Girl with a Perfect Little Secret... What would you do if everyone thought you were perfect, but you had a terrible secret?  That’s just the beginning of the adventure in Joyce of Westerfloyce, The Story of the Tiny Little Girl with the Tiny Little Voice. Children...
Book cover of Il segreto di Zach
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 25, 2014

È possibile per un giovane ragazzo gay fare coming out, trovare l'amore e allo stesso tempo sopravvivere all'ultimo anno di liceo? Zach Denham, capo redattore del giornale scolastico in una piccola cittadina, si sforza di comportarsi come un ragazzo "normale", uscendo con una sua amica.  Key,...
Book cover of El Secreto de Zach
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2014

Podrá un joven salir del closet, encontrar el amor, y sobrevivir al tercer grado todo al mismo tiempo? Zach Denham, el editor de un diario de secundaria en un pequeño pueblo, lucha por actuar como un chico "normal" saliendo con una amiga. Key, el atractivo atleta recién llegado a la escuela, obliga...
Book cover of Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs

Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs

Guidelines and Procedures for Schools, Third Edition

by Carole C. Atkinson, M.S., PNP-BC
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Essential for every school health office, this fully illustrated reference is the ultimate guide to caring for and supporting children with special health care needs in educational settings. A comprehensive update of the classic guide school nurses trust, this authoritative book compiles the latest...
Book cover of La Rete del Killer
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2014

Dieci ragazze al loro PC Cercarono un uomo in ogni dove Una iniziò una chat con un killer E poi ne rimasero nove... All'alba del nuovo millennio, ogni giorno migliaia di persone si affacciano sul mondo della rete per la prima volta nella loro vita. Alcune sono alla ricerca dell'amore. Altre alla...
Book cover of Joyce di Westerfloyce
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 21, 2014

Una bambina mingherlina con un piccolo segreto…   Cosa faresti se tutti pensassero che tu sia perfetto ma che allo stesso tempo tu abbia un terribile segreto? Questo è proprio l’inizio dell’avventura di Joyce di Westerfloyce, la storia di una bambina mingherlina con una voce...
Book cover of Oscuri Segreti
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 4, 2016

Le Forze dell’Oscurità infestano una piccola cittadina in New England... Rick Williams è il tipico ragazzo della porta accanto. Con l’avvicinarsi del suo diciottesimo compleanno, comincia improvvisamente ad avere delle violente e inspiegabili emicranie. Poi c'è Terrence, un misterioso...
Book cover of Caro Autore
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 21, 2014

Testimonianza della sua discesa nella follia quando James Walek, reduce da un matrimonio fallito e da una carriera da scrittore in stallo, viene spinto oltre il limite da una di quelle insultanti lettere di rifiuto dagli editori inizianti per "Caro Autore" di troppo.
Book cover of 60 Gothic Classics

60 Gothic Classics

The Castle of Otranto, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Phantom Ship, The Headless Horseman, The Man-Wolf, The Beetle, The Phantom of the Opera...

by Horace Walpole, William Thomas Beckford, Eliza Parsons
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Castle of Otranto Vathek The Castle of Wolfenbach Caleb Williams The Mysteries of Udolpho The Italian The Monk Wieland Northanger Abbey Frankenstein...
Book cover of Joyce de Westerfloyce La niñita de la vocecita
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 11, 2015

Una niñita perfecta con un secretito perfecto... ¿Qué harías si todo el mundo pensase que eres perfecto, pero tuvieras un secreto terrible? Este es el comienzo de la aventura en Joyce de Westerfloyce, La Historia de la Niñita de la Vocecita. Tanto los niños como los adultos quedarán...
Book cover of Estimado Autor.
by Matthew W. Grant
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2014

James abrió el último cajón del escritorio y miró fijamente el brillante revólver.  Tenía una premonición inquietante de que ese día determinaría todo.  Cerró el cajón y dejó que su mente volase hasta el día, meses atrás, en el que aquel sufrimiento había empezado... James empezó a...
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