It: 71 books

Book cover of Storie dal mondo della Formula 1
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2017

Storie dal mondo della Formula 1 – gli anni ruggenti, è un lavoro della redazione di che racconta gli anni d’oro della F1, quando l’impossibile diventava possibile, quando i sogni e gli angeli scendevano in terra, quando le gesta dei piloti iniziavano ad arrivare con televisione...
Book cover of Cerco socio per la mia Startup. I 9 test per capire se hai trovato la persona giusta con cui fare impresa.
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 2, 2016

Cercare un socio con cui condividere un percorso imprenditoriale rappresenta una delle situazioni più delicate che un imprenditore possa affrontare. La scelta della giusta compagine sociale può fare la differenza tra il successo o il fallimento di un'azienda. Questo ebook spiega in che modo cercare...
Book cover of The Home Owner's Manual

The Home Owner's Manual

Operating Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, and Advice on System Maintenance

by Dan Ramsey, The Fix-It Club
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2014

At Last! A Beginner’s Guide to Home Technology Water stains on your ceiling. Dents and cracks in your drywall. Radiators that hiss and gurgle all night long. It’s enough to make you cry out, “Why doesn’t my house come with an owner’s manual?” And now—finally!—it does. Through...
Book cover of Onlar da İnsan - Siyaset ve Basında Yaşanmış Anılar
by Şeref Yiğit
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Siyasetçilerimiz… Onlar hep evimizin içindeydiler, bizimleydiler. Onları hep asık suratları, resmi söylemleri, ciddi duruşları ile gördük, tanıdık. Zaman zaman gönül verdik, zaman geldi kızdık onlara. Sözün özü ne onlarsız olabildik, ne de onlarla… Şeref Yiğit, siyasetçilerimizin...
Book cover of El último mohicano para estudiantes de español. Libro de lectura Nivel A2. Principiantes
by Read It!
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 21, 2016

El último mohicano se publicó en 1826. Es el segundo libro de la pentalogía Leatherstocking Tales y el más conocido para el público contemporáneo. El último mohicano se desarrolla en 1757, durante la Guerra de los Siete Años, cuando Francia y Gran Bretaña se enfrentaron por el control de...
Book cover of It Came From Beneath the Sea… Again! #3
by Todd Tennant, Clay Griffith, Todd Tennant
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Captain Shepard joins forces with the ghosts of his past to banish the that pesky mutant sea creature that just refuses to die. However, something even more sinister awaits... Captain Shepard joins forces with the ghosts of his past to banish the that pesky mutant sea creature that just refuses to die. However, something even more sinister awaits...
Book cover of I Just Want to PEE Alone

I Just Want to PEE Alone

I Just Want to Pee Alone, #1

by Jen Mann, Julianna W. Miner, Tara of You Know it Happens at Your House Too
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2015

Now a New York Times BESTSELLER.  Motherhood is the toughest – and funniest – job you'll ever love. Raising kids is hard work. The pay sucks, your boss is a tyrant, and the working conditions are pitiful – you can't even take a bathroom break without being interrupted with another outrageous...
Book cover of When the War Came Home

When the War Came Home

The Ottomans' Great War and the Devastation of an Empire

by Yiğit Akın
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

The Ottoman Empire was unprepared for the massive conflict of World War I. Lacking the infrastructure and resources necessary to wage a modern war, the empire's statesmen reached beyond the battlefield to sustain their war effort. They placed unprecedented hardships onto the shoulders of the Ottoman...
Book cover of Mission Critical

Mission Critical

Vital Strategies To Increase Sales And Grow Your Small Business

by Go Start It
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2016

If you're an entrepreneur, then Mission Critical is the one action packed book you need to read today!  It provides you with a complete list of the vital strategies you need to successfully increase your sales and grow your business by engaging in low cost high impact marketing and promotions. ...
Book cover of Ripley's Unbelievable Stories For Guys
by Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Ripley's Believe it or Not for guy's who think they know everything! One for the grown-ups, this quirky new Ripley’s book is filled with bizarre and hilarious "Believe It or Not!" stories, trivia and lists— perfect for any fan of the unusual, and the ideal Father’s Day gift. Some of the...
Book cover of El sabueso de los Baskerville para estudiantes de español. Libro de lectura Nivel A1. Principiantes
by Read It!
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 23, 2014

The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of the four crime novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Was published originally serialised in The Strand Magazine from August 1901 to April 1902, it is set largely on Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country...
Book cover of Canción de Navidad para estudiantes de español. Libro de lectura Nivel A1. Principiantes.
by Read It!
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 23, 2014

Canción de Navidad fue publicada por primera vez por Chapman y Hall en diciembre de 1843. Cuenta la historia del anciano avaro Ebenezer Scrooge y su transformación tras recibir la visita de Jacob Marley, su socio recientemente fallecido, y de los fantasmas de las navidades pasada, las presentes...
Book cover of Insonnia - Consigli e Rimedi Naturali
by A Cura Di
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 26, 2014

I consigli e i rimedi naturali per prevenire, curare e sconfiggere l'insonnia La Collana “Curarsi con la Natura” presenta la terza delle 10 Guide: l'Insonnia. Insonnia - consigli e rimedi naturali L’insonnia ha numerose cause. Può essere il risultato di ansia, di stress...
Book cover of Reinventing Schools

Reinventing Schools

It’s Time to Break the Mold

by Jennifer R. Karnopp, Charles M. Reigeluth, author of Reinventing Schools: It’s Time to Break the Mold
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2013

Since A Nation at Risk was published in 1983, there has been widespread recognition that public education is failing in the U.S. Numerous expensive reforms have been attempted to no avail, and costs have increased dramatically. Furthermore, economic austerity requires educational systems to do more...
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