Helen M : 99 books

Book cover of United States–Latin American Relations, 1850–1903
by Don M. Coerver, Louis A. Perez Jr., Helen Delpar
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2014

During the second half of the 19th century several forces in the United States, Latin America, and Europe converged to set the stage for the establishment of a more permanent relationship between the United States and Latin America. The key factors--security, economics, and modernization--created...
Book cover of Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers
by Sarena Ulibarri, Julia K. Patt, D.K. Mok
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2018

Solarpunk is a type of optimistic science fiction that imagines a future founded on renewable energies. The seventeen stories in this volume are not dull utopias—they grapple with real issues such as the future and ethics of our food sources, the connection or disconnection between technology and...
Book cover of Imaginarium 2013
by Amal El-Mohtar, Susie Moloney, Claire Humphrey
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2013

Imaginarium 2013: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing is a reprint anthology to be published annually by ChiZine Publications, collecting speculative short fiction and poetry (science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, etc.) that represents the best work produced by Canadian writers. Canadian...
Book cover of Missverstandene Monster
by Mortimer M. Müller, Borrmann, Ulrik van Doorn
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2014

Furchterregend! Bemitleidenswert! Niedlich! Monster haben viele Facetten. Manche von ihnen arbeiten in ungeliebten Nebenjobs und andere suchen nach einem Sinn in ihrem Leben. Vielleicht gibt es aber auch Ungeheuerlichkeiten, die einfach nur auf Abenteuer aus sind. Identitätskrisen reichen dem normalen...
Book cover of A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories -
by Anita Kovacevic, Maureen Larter, Wanda Luthman
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Welcome to Tales from the Treasure Chest. An Anthology of 10 short childrens stories and two poems. These stories are suitable from ages 4 up. Though of course an older sibling or parent may like to read the stories to those so young. This collection is written by Children's Indie Authors from...
Book cover of Tutorials in Molecular Reaction Dynamics
by Michael A Collins, Matthew Addicoat, Anthony J H M Meijer
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

The focus of this excellent textbook is the topic of molecular reaction dynamics. The chapters are all written by internationally recognised researchers and, from the outset, the contributors are writing with the young scientist in mind. The easy to use, stand-alone, chapters make it of value to students,...
Book cover of The Meaning of My Neighbor’s Faith

The Meaning of My Neighbor’s Faith

Interreligious Reflections on Immigration

by Laura E. Alexander, Silas W. Allard, Loye Ashton
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2018

The Meaning of My Neighbor’s Faith addresses two of the most critical challenges of our time: immigration and religious diversity. The diverse group of contributors, representing a variety of religious traditions, disciplines, and methodologies, explore “the meaning of my neighbor’s faith”...
Book cover of Die Sachensucherin

Die Sachensucherin

55 kurze Geschichten

by Matthias Amann, Helen Anderer, Roland Bärwinkel
Language: German
Release Date: August 14, 2015

Als das Literaturbüro Ruhr, der Klartext Verlag und Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe ihren Wettbewerb "Geschichten zum Mitnehmen" ausschrieben, ahnten sie nicht, wie unüberhörbar das Echo darauf sein würde. 1449 Einsendungen trafen im Literaturbüro ein, viele enthielten die maximal möglichen zwei...
Book cover of Toward a Female Genealogy of Transcendentalism
by Eric Gardner, Sarah Wider, Susan M. Stone
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Traditional histories of the American transcendentalist movement begin in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s terms: describing a rejection of college books and church pulpits in favor of the individual power of “Man Thinking.” This essay collection asks how women who lacked the privileges of both college...
Book cover of Women in the Academy

Women in the Academy

Learning From Our Diverse Career Pathways

by Carmen Twillie Ambar, Bette L. Bottoms, Diana Bartelli Carlin
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2016

This edited collection examines women’s roles in the academy. Statistics show that women outnumber men in most universities and that women’s pay still lags behind men’s, but the numbers only hint at the broader story. This edited collection fills that gap with the stories of twelve women—from...
Book cover of New Ways of Doing Business
by John P. Bartkowski, Gary C. Bryner, John J. Callahan
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2003

In their introduction, the editors of New Ways of Doing Business assert that in retrospect, it will be apparent that today's government, that of the early years of the 21st century, "was undergoing its most significant transformation since the decade of the 1930's when direct government-delivered...
Book cover of African Democracy and Development

African Democracy and Development

Challenges for Post-Conflict African Nations

by Paul Zeleza, Sylvia Macauley, Fredline M’Cormack-Hale
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

This book is an examination of particular African countries that are in the post-conflict phase. They have experienced horrific civil wars that left thousands of their citizens internally displaced or as refugees in surrounding countries, and some fled to countries in the global north. The...
Book cover of Ladybirds
by Helen E. Roy, Peter M. J. Brown, Richard F. Comont
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

This revised and updated edition of Ladybirds provides a succinct but comprehensive and accessible overview of the biology of ladybirds and their parasites, focusing on ecology in an evolutionary context. It provides the latest information, coverage of recent additions to the British list including the...
Book cover of Rereading Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Rereading Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Political Economy of Gender

by Angela Nieves-Xavier de Brito, Rosa M. Cañadell, Norma Chinchilla
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2002

This indispensable text reader provides a broad-ranging and thoughtfully organized feminist introduction to the ongoing controversies of development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Designed for use in a variety of college courses, the volume collects an influential group of essays first published...
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