Han Han: 492 books

Book cover of The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes
by Han Vinh Huynh
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2017

The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes describes various aspects of N-heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) and their transition metal complexes at an entry level suitable for advanced undergraduate students and above. The book starts with a historical overview on the quest for carbenes...
Book cover of Therapy of Social Medicine
by Byong-Hyon Han
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

This book introduces novel and groundbreaking theories on social medicine, social medicine therapy and pharmacogelotology. Aimed at improving the global health care system in terms of cost-effectiveness and efficiency, the research included in this book represents a paradigm shift from traditional...
Book cover of Innovation in China

Innovation in China

Challenging the Global Science and Technology System

by Richard P. Appelbaum, Cong Cao, Xueying Han
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

China is in the midst of transitioning from a manufacturing-based economy to one driven by innovation and knowledge. This up-to-date analysis evaluates China's state-led approach to science and technology, and its successes and failures. In recent decades, China has seen huge investments in...
Book cover of Erkeği Etkilemenin 50 Yolu
by Aslıhan Taner, Koray Demirgan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: December 24, 2017

Kadınların beyinlerinin iletişimle ilgili bölümleri erkeklerin beyinlerindeki ilgili bölümlere göre çok daha büyük ve aktiftir. Aynı zamanda diğer bir insanın duygu düşüncelerini anlamayı -yani empati kurmayı- sağlayan ayna nöronlarının sayısı da kadın beyninde belirgin şekilde...
Book cover of Transparenzgesellschaft
by Byung-Chul Han
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2015

Kaum ein anderes Schlagwort beherrscht heute den öffentlichen Diskurs so sehr wie die Transparenz. Sie wird vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Informationsfreiheit emphatisch beschworen. Wer aber die Transparenz allein auf moralischer Ebene thematisiert und sie etwa auf Fragen der Korruption reduziert,...
Book cover of Analytical Design of PID Controllers
by Iván D. Díaz-Rodríguez, Sangjin Han, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2019

This monograph presents a new analytical approach to the design of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers for linear time-invariant plants. The authors develop a computer-aided procedure, to synthesize PID controllers that satisfy multiple design specifications. A geometric approach, which...
Book cover of How Flavor Works

How Flavor Works

The Science of Taste and Aroma

by Nak-Eon Choi, Jung H. Han
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2014

Taste is the number one driving force in the decision to purchase a food product and food consumption is the most critical function for living organisms to obtain the energy and resources essential to their vitality. Flavor and aroma are therefore universally important concepts: intrinsic to human...
Book cover of Gesetzlicher Tierschutz im Deutschen Reich
by Yi Han
Language: German
Release Date: February 10, 2014

Ist der Tierschutz menschenfeindlich und ist dessen Gesetzgebung im Dritten Reich Missbrauch etwaiger Weimarer Entwürfe zur Judenverfolgung und Selbstverherrlichung? Untersucht wird demgegenüber die Geschichte von § 360 Ziffer 13 des Reichsstrafgesetzbuches 1871 über das Reichstierschutzgesetz...
Book cover of Die Unabhaengigkeit der Bundesanstalt fuer Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht

Die Unabhaengigkeit der Bundesanstalt fuer Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht

Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer Organisation als rechtsfaehige Anstalt des oeffentlichen Rechts

by Myeongjin Han
Language: German
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Die Autorin untersucht, ob die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht durch den Anstaltstatus mehr Unabhängigkeit gewinnt als die ehemaligen Aufsichtsbehörden. Zudem stellt sie die Frage, ob die Unabhängigkeit im Rahmen der hierarchischen Verwaltung für ihre Aufgabenausführung ausreichend...
Book cover of Contemporary Issues in Systems Science and Engineering
by MengChu Zhou, Han-Xiong Li, Margot Weijnen
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

Various systems science and engineering disciplines are covered and challenging new research issues in these disciplines are revealed. They will be extremely valuable for the readers to search for some new research directions and problems. Chapters are contributed by world-renowned systems engineers Chapters...
Book cover of Active Control of Offshore Steel Jacket Platforms
by Bao-Lin Zhang, Qing-Long Han, Xian-Ming Zhang
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2018

Offshore platforms are widely used to explore, drill, produce, store and transport ocean resources, and are usually subjected to environmental loading, which can lead to deck facility failure and platform fatigue failure, inefficient operation and even crew discomfort. In order to ensure the reliability...
Book cover of Hypersonic Meteoroid Entry Physics
by Dr Alina A. Alexeenko, Dr Daniil A. Andrienko, Prof Vincenzo Aquilanti
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2019

Hypersonic Meteoroid Entry Physics provides a fascinating overview of meteoroid atmospheric entry and covers meteoroid observations in outer space; the description of the chemical–physical phenomena during atmospheric entry; recovery of the meteor on the Earth’s surface and meteorite chemical...
Book cover of Dente por dente
by Siobhan Vivian, Jenny Han
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 12, 2013

Depois dos acontecimentos do homecoming, Reeve foi parar no hospital, com uma perna quebrada, e seu futuro como atleta está ameaçado. As meninas se sentem culpadas por toda a situação. Não esperavam que as consequências do plano fossem tão graves. Quase perderam o controle. Já que Reeve está...
Book cover of Les Amours de Lara Jean T02

Les Amours de Lara Jean T02

P.S. Je t'aime toujours...

by Jenny Han
Language: French
Release Date: September 23, 2015

Quand Peter et Lara Jean, ont commencé à faire semblant dêtre ensemble, la jeune fille ne sattendait pas à vraiment tomber amoureuse. Et elle se retrouve encore plus confuse quand le garçon de son passé refait surface. Qui choisir quand on est amoureuse de deux garçons à la fois ?
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