H Wells: 972 books

Book cover of Die ersten Menschen im Mond
by H.G. Wells
Language: German
Release Date: February 6, 2017

"Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond" ist ein Roman des britischen Schriftstellers Herbert George Wells. Das Buch wurde zum ersten Mal 1901 unter dem Titel "The First Men in the Moon" veröffentlicht. Im Bruns Verlag/Minden erfolgt im Jahr 1905 die Deutsche Erstveröffentlichung unter dem Titel "Die ersten Menschen im Mond".
Book cover of The Shape Of Things To Come
by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2017

When Dr Philip Raven, a diplomat working for the League of Nations, dies in the 1930s, he leaves behind a book of dreams outlining the visions he has been experiencing for many years. These visions seem to be glimpses into the future, detailing events that will occur on Earth for the next two hundred...
Book cover of Short History of the World (Illustrated)
by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2014

A story of our planet and humankind. From the origins of the earth to the founding of the League of Nations.Wells wrote this short version of "The Outline of History" to, in his own words "meet the needs of the busy general reader".
Book cover of La guerre dans les Airs
by H.G Wells
Language: French
Release Date: November 3, 2018

« M. Smallways faisait cette remarque longtemps avant le début de la guerre dans les airs, accoté contre la palissade, au bout de son jardin, et, d’un regard qui n’exprimait ni louange ni blâme, il contemplait la vaste usine à gaz de Bun Hill. Au-dessus des gazomètres pressés les uns contre...
Book cover of What is Coming? (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by H. G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2011

As the Great War raged along in 1916, Wells turned his prophetic eye towards the future. Topics considered include the law, the media, the new map of Europe; the roles of the United States, Russia, and France; the outlook for Germany, the “white man’s burden,” and the prospects for European socialism.
Book cover of War in the Air
by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2014

"The War in the Air" is a story of the awful devastation following a conflict between two first-class powers with the resources of the air at their command. It is one of the most brilliant and successful of Mr. Wells's studies in futurity.
Book cover of Ann Veronica

Ann Veronica

With an introduction by Flora Fraser

by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Stong-willed, reckless and fiercely independent, Ann Veronica Stanley is determined to be a 'Person', to work, love and, above all, to live. Walking away from her stifling father and the social conventions of her time, she leaves drab suburbia for Edwardian London and encounters an unknown world of...
Book cover of This Misery of Boots (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by H. G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2011

In this short tract, published by the Fabian Society in 1907, Wells relates a conversation with a friend on the poor quality of boots worn by the working class. He uses the example as a springboard to condemn private property and imperialism, advocate socialism, and forecast a revolutionary break with history.
Book cover of L’anima di un vescovo
by H.G. Wells
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 4, 2019

Opera a base teologica, di una teologia bizzarra ed eterodossa. Il vescovo anglicano Edward Scrope, con moglie e cinque figlie, viene colto da crisi religiosa nell’imminenza e allo scoppio della guerra. Decide di abbandonare la chiesa e di dedicarsi a una sorta di predicazione millenaristica; scelta...
Book cover of Star-Begotten
by H.g. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2016

The book readdresses the idea of the existence of Martians, famously written about in The War of the Worlds (1898). The dialog of Star-Begotten makes brief cursory references Wells's earlier novel The War of the Worlds, referring to it as having been written by "Conan Doyle or one of those people"....
Book cover of New Worlds for Old (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by H. G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

In New Worlds for Old, Wells examines the basics of socialist thought and theory, and looks at the differences between existing philosophies within socialism. Because he personally witnessed socialist movements in both America and England, this account is particularly thought-provoking.
Book cover of New Worlds For Old: A Plain Account of Modern Socialism
by H.G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2014

Mr. Wells claims the name of socialist without blindly subscribing to the programme of any present form of socialistic theory. He aims in this book (which is not a novel) to set forth the principles upon which socialism resets.
Book cover of Die Zeitmaschine

Die Zeitmaschine

The Time Machine, German edition

by Herbert George Wells, H G Wells
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Die klassische Science-Fiction-Geschichte eines Zeitreisenden und seine Abenteuer in der Zukunft und die Menschen, die dort leben. Der Erzähler erzählt den Gästen des wöchentlichen Abendessens den Vortrag des Reisenden, dass die Zeit einfach eine vierte Dimension ist und dass er eine Tischmodellmaschine...
Book cover of The War in the Air (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by H. G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2011

Published in 1908, in an era when airplanes were merely a rumor and airships, like hot air balloons and blimps, ruled the skies, Wells’s novel is notable for its prophetic ideas, including the use of the airplane for warfare, the coming of a world war, and the development of a brutal, feudal society after the war’s destruction.
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