Castle: 415 books

Book cover of Orme nella neve
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Nella notte buia ornata dai fiocchi che cadono copiosi sulla cima della montagna si sente soltanto lo scricchiolio della neve fresca calpestata da cento zampe che ordinatamente percorrono i suoi pendii alla ricerca di cibo e di prede. Il branco è guidato da un giovane e possente esemplare, dal muso...
Book cover of Bella di giorno
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Una bella donna, giovane, sicura di sé, si trova a fare scelte estreme, non tanto per necessità, quanto per il brivido che la parte oscura che sta esplorando è in grado di darle. Così Gloria diventa Chantal. Ma molte sono le creature che popolano la realtà oscura, e non tutte sono portatrici...
Book cover of Vincent il clochard
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Sono un clochard; la mia casa è la strada e il mio letto è il marciapiede, dove dormo sopra una sottile stuoia di cartone che la mattina, alle prime luci dell'alba, quando i primi passanti occupano la mia casa e passano a fianco del mio letto, sparisce, ripiegata con cura nella mia borsa che...
Book cover of La Ricerca
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Urla, forti rumori e poi ancora urla provenivano dall'interno del negozio. Una donna cercava di far cessare tutte quelle urla, improvvisandosi arbitro di una situazione che di sicuro non sarebbe riuscita a gestire. I due uomini continuavano ad urlare e ad inveire uno contro l'altro mentre...
Book cover of Jazz
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Un intrigo nella splendida cornice delle Alpi italiane. Una ragazza sparisce anche se nessuno sembra essere così interessato alla sua ricerca. Solo un uomo che vive isolato tra le montagne si prende a cuore l'onere di comprendere, di capire cosa sia accaduto alla giovane e cosa ci sia dietro...
Book cover of La Corsa ed altri racconti
by Robert Mc Castle
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Stasera si replica ancora; un'altra corsa, la seconda questa settimana, ed in palio sempre il solito premio, e la solita amara conclusione in caso di sconfitta. Le regole del gioco sono semplici e non ammettono alcuna deroga, non tollerano alcuna eccezione e, spesso, il confine tra vittoria e...
Book cover of Viens avec moi
by Castle FREEMAN
Language: French
Release Date: January 14, 2016

Un classique immédiat du roman noir américain. " Un diamant noir, effilé comme une lame, et qui brille d'un éclat sombre. " The Boston Globe. Dans les fins fonds désolés du Vermont, la jeune Lilian est devenue la cible de Blackway le truand local. Son petit ami a préféré...
Book cover of 25 Weight Training Tips
by K.H. Castle
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2013

25 Weight Training Tips offers guidance and suggestions to those who hope to build mass or tone, with the tips divided into the important areas of assumptions, focus, exercises, diet and supplements, and attitude. Some common issues and misconceptions are addressed, and practical advice given which can be used by both men and women, and weight training newcomers and veterans alike.
Book cover of Finding my Own Way to Happy and Gay
by Barbara Castle-Farmer
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2014

As South Africa grew into democracy, so too did the author grow into wholeness and authenticity.The challenges she met in the 60s are still those faced by gay people today… how to tell their folks, when to ‘confess’ to their friends, what to tell their employers, and more.Should you be lucky...
Book cover of Rose of the World
by Agnes Castle and Egerton Castle
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2018

 Captain Harry English is reported to have been killed during a battle between factions in India and his wife Rosamond remarries. As time passes Rosamond finds that her love for her deceased husband is greater than her love for the older man that she has married, Sir Arthur Gerardine. She goes to live at Harry's old house and there breaks down and tells her husband the truth. 
Book cover of The Light Of Scarthey
by Egerton Castle
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2014

The Light Of Scarthey by Egerton Castle.
Book cover of A Mixture Of Genius
by Arnold Castle
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2014

A Mixture Of Genius by Arnold Castle.
by Agnes Castle and Egerton Castle
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

The early September night had descended upon Bruges,—“City of Bridges,”—once the seat of the most luxurious court in Europe, now so far away, fallen from its high if not from its wealthy estate. The life of the little town, never very active or varied under the Spaniard’s rule, seemed this...
Book cover of Laura's Wedding (The Bridesmaid's Checklist series)
by K.T. Castle
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

Kassandra is a single, independent woman who prides herself on her own success. But when she’s asked by her best friend Laura to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Kassandra finds herself questioning her lifestyle. Helping Laura plan the wedding is no problem—she’s done it before for all their...
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