Bruno M: 47 books

Book cover of Il est très difficile d'attraper un chat dans une pièce sombre, surtout s'il n'y est pas
by Bruno M, Philippe Durant
Language: French
Release Date: November 13, 2014

Bruno M., fils de Michel Audiard, a commis un polar qui transcende autant qu'il rend hommage à l'œuvre et au style de son père. Stanislas Rojinski est un ancien flic devenu détective. Renvoyé de la police pour trop bons états de service, il a conservé une certaine aigreur sans rien...
Book cover of The Role of Female Combatants in the Nicaraguan Revolution and Counter Revolutionary War
by Martín Meráz García, Martha L. Cottam, Bruno M. Baltodano
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2019

The revolution in Nicaragua was unique in that a large percentage of the combatants were women. The Role of Female Combatants in the Nicaraguan Revolution and Counter Revolutionary War is a study of these women and those who fought in the Contra counter revolution on the Atlantic Coast. This...
Book cover of La psicologia sociale

La psicologia sociale

Processi mentali, comunicazione e cultura

by Bruno M. Mazzara, Giovanna Leone, Mauro Sarrica
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 21, 2013

La psicologia sociale è lo studio delle dimensioni sociali della mente umana, ossia le modalità di articolazione tra gli aspetti individuali della vita psicologica e il livello della vita sociale, inteso in termini di interazioni tra le persone, ma anche in termini più ampi di contesto socio-culturale:...
Book cover of Conócete a ti mismo y a los demás

Conócete a ti mismo y a los demás

Descubre los secretos del milenario arte de la interpretación del rostro

by Mónica Koppel, Bruno Koppel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Tu cara revela más de lo que imaginas sobre tu salud y tus emociones. Mónica y Bruno Koppel, abocados desde hace años al estudio de la milenaria sabiduría china, comparten los secretos del Mian Xiang, el arte de la interpretación del rostro. Paso a paso, los autores explican cómo los antiguos...
Book cover of Bouillon de nouvelles
by M.L. Lego, Bruno Jetté, Shawn Foster
Language: French
Release Date: January 20, 2014

Bouillon de nouvellesDes nouvelles au goût de tous!Que vous soyez amateur d’épouvante, de mysticisme, de faits vécus, d’intrigues, de satirique ou de féerie, vous trouverez, dans ce recueil, des nouvelles dont l’originalité et l’unicité ne manqueront pas de vous séduire. En tout, dix...
Book cover of 2016 El año del mono de fuego
by Mónica Koppel, Bruno Koppel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2015

2016 es el año del Mono de Fuego. La astrología china define a este animal como un ser inquieto, vanidoso, manipulador y persuasivo; lo que augura un ciclo muy dinámico y competitivo en el que la gente buscará imponer su punto de vista. Si bien no será un periodo armónico ni estable, Mónica...
Book cover of 2017 El año del Gallo de Fuego
by Mónica Koppel, Bruno Koppel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 13, 2016

2017 es el año del Gallo de Fuego, de acuerdo con el horóscopo chino. El gallo de fuego es intenso y enérgico, todo un líder natural. Este animado signo tiene dificultades para mantenerse en un tema y puede tener muchos proyectos en ejecución. Es seguro de sí mismo, determinado, competitivo,...
Book cover of At The Helm: Volume 3: A Sci-Fi Bridge Anthology
by Rhett C. Bruno, Patty Jansen, David VanDyke
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Conflict across the cosmos. New frontiers discovered. What it means to be human reimagined. Dreams of tomorrow become reality in this third collection of bestselling authors and newly emerging writers from Sci-Fi Bridge. From the inner worlds of unforgettable characters to alien planets at...
Book cover of Schaffen wir das?

Schaffen wir das?

Ein Plädoyer für mehr Offenheit in der Flüchtlingspolitik

by Monty Arnold, Ole von Beust, Vivian Daniel
Language: German
Release Date: April 14, 2016

Deutschland und der Flüchtlingsstrom – "Wir schaffen das", sagt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Die mehr als 20 zumeist prominenten Autoren des Buches setzen sich in nachdenklichen, teils sehr bewegenden und mitfühlenden Texten gedanklich mit dem Neuen und Fremden, den Problemen, Sorgen...
Book cover of Foundations in Music Psychology

Foundations in Music Psychology

Theory and Research

by Andrew J Oxenham, Henkjan Honing, Fleur Bouwer
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2019

A state-of-the-art overview of the latest theory and research in music psychology, written by leaders in the field. This authoritative, landmark volume offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the latest theory and research in music perception and cognition. Eminent scholars from...
Book cover of At the Helm: Volume 1: A Sci-Fi Bridge Anthology
by Rhett C. Bruno, Steve Beaulieu, Chris Pourteau
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Interstellar journeys. Epic battles. Articial Intelligence longing for meaning. Life as we know it, ending...Sci-Fi Bridge is thrilled to present its first collection from bestselling authors and newly emerging writers. These stories span the near and far future. They transport you to worlds unknown....
Book cover of Literature and Cartography

Literature and Cartography

Theories, Histories, Genres

by Jean-Marc Besse, Bruno Bosteels, Patrick M. Bray
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

The relationship of texts and maps, and the mappability of literature, examined from Homer to Houellebecq. Literary authors have frequently called on elements of cartography to ground fictional space, to visualize sites, and to help readers get their bearings in the imaginative world of the...
Book cover of More Alternative Truths
by Bob Brown, Gwyndyn T. Alexander, Lou J. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2017

More Alternative Truths is an exploration of the potential consequences of today’s politics in our daily lives. More than our individual lives, but our American identity. This exploration defines this anthology.  So many of the stories ask what has America become?  What will it be in the...
Book cover of Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited
by Morana Alac, Rachel Prentice, Michael Barany
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2014

A fresh approach to visualization practices in the sciences that considers novel forms of imaging technology and draws on recent theoretical perspectives on representation. Representation in Scientific Practice, published by the MIT Press in 1990, helped coalesce a long-standing interest in...
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