Bruno: 2026 books

Book cover of L’isola di Sachalin (dalle note di viaggio)

L’isola di Sachalin (dalle note di viaggio)

versione filologica a cura di Bruno Osimo

by Anton Cechov, Bruno Osimo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 17, 2019

“Il 5 luglio 1890 sono arrivato in piroscafo alla città di Nikolàevsk, una delle estremità orientali della nostra patria. L’Amùr qui è molto largo, al mare restavano soltanto 27 verste1; il posto è maestoso e bello, ma i ricordi del passato di questa regione, quello che i compagni di viaggio...
Book cover of Modeling the Figure in Clay, 30th Anniversary Edition
by Bruno Lucchesi, Margit Malmstrom
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2015

For thirty years, Modeling the Figure in Clay has been an indispensable anatomical resource for people who think, see, and understand form best in the round: sculptors. In the thirtieth anniversary edition of this classic work, master sculptor Bruno Lucchesi invites you on a guided tour of the human...
Book cover of Esposos y Padres II

Esposos y Padres II

Consultas de los Padres al Psicólogo

by Ps. Sergio Eduardo Bruno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 15, 2017

Sergio E. Bruno es “esposo y padre”. No habla “de oídas” ni desde la abstracción de un “saber libresco” sino en base a la experiencia vivida de modo cotidiano, real y concreto. No es un teórico sino un protagonista. Su pensar parte del ser y su decir de un efectivo hacer. “La boca...
Book cover of History&Uniforms 9 ENG
by Bruno Mugnai
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 21, 2016

In this number: Warriors and Warfare of the Han Dynasty (part three) Chun L. Wang, Four Centuries of Italian Armours (12th-15th century) (part two) Mario Venturi, French Ensigns of the Late-Renaissance (part one) Aldo Ziggioto and Andrea Rossi, The Venetian Army and Navy in the Ottoman War of...
Book cover of A Fight for the Soul of Public Education

A Fight for the Soul of Public Education

The Story of the Chicago Teachers Strike

by Steven Ashby, Robert Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2016

In reaction to the changes imposed on public schools across the country in the name of "education reform," the Chicago Teachers Union redefined its traditional role and waged a multidimensional fight that produced a community-wide school strike and transformed the scope of collective bargaining into...
Book cover of Fundamentos II

Fundamentos II

Pseudo-conflictos entre Ciencia y Fe

by Sergio Eduardo Bruno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 15, 2017

            En “Fundamentos (para personas que quieren creer)”, Sergio E. Bruno nos aproximó a las preguntas y cuestionamientos que habitualmente suelen constituir un obstáculo para el acto de fe.            ...
Book cover of Benny and Fonzy, Children's Stories, First Part.
by Bruno Roggen
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2013

These are stories about two boys who are good friends. Their social backgrounds are however very different. Their daily lives, their aspirations and dreams and their adventures are told.It should be said that all stories are not meant to be read to children as some contain rude language and describe...
Book cover of Des hommes d'Etat
by Bruno Le Maire
Language: French
Release Date: January 9, 2008

C’est un livre important et, à tous égards, étonnant. Tout d’abord, par la qualité du témoignage et du témoin : trois années dans la coulisse du pouvoir, racontées au jour le jour par un haut fonctionnaire doublé d’un écrivain de race. Dans ce récit, des événements majeurs (nomination...
Book cover of Le Président des États-Unis
by Christine Ockrent, Bruno Perreau
Language: French
Release Date: May 28, 2008

Le Président des États-Unis est la personne la plus puissante du monde, dans la plus ancienne démocratie de l'histoire contemporaine. Précisément parce qu'il s'agit d'une démocratie, le Président ne peut pas tout faire, et n'exerce son pouvoir que dans les strictes limites tant de la Constitution...
Book cover of Duos Pontes
by Bruno Leoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 9, 2014

Bruno Leoni completa il percorso sui ponti romani dell’isola Tiberina, iniziato con la pubblicazione de IL PONTE EMILIO, con un saggio sui ponti Fabricio e Cestio, ovvero i Duos Pontes che uniscono l’isola alle sponde del Tevere. La descrizione storiografica è integrata dall’analisi...
Book cover of L'edificio di culto - Codice del territorio

L'edificio di culto - Codice del territorio

Recuperare per valorizzare. Anagrafe Regionale di Chiese Cappelle e Santuari di proprietà pubblica nel Lazio

by Bruno Astorre, Claudio Lo Monaco, Maria Tiziana Marcelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Il volume fa parte della collana "Quaderni RISORSA" Ogni territorio ha un'identità ben definita, formata da paesaggi naturali, insediamenti urbani, attività economiche e produttive. A questi tratti caratterizzanti se ne deve aggiungere un altro, ovvero i luoghi di culto. È nelle chiese,...
Book cover of Pregare in Spirito e verità. La preghiera secondo la Bibbia
by Raniero Cantalamessa, Bruno Maggioni
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Le pagine più significative della preghiera biblica e un'importante riflessione sul ruolo e l'azione che lo Spirito Santo riveste in essa. Il volume si articola in due parti: la prima, elaborata da Bruno Maggioni, affronta il "come" e il "perché" della preghiera nella Bibbia, accompagnando il lettore...
Book cover of Basic notions of Translation Theory
by Bruno Osimo
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2019

This book reflects my experience as a translation scholar, and a translation teacher, and a translator from Russian. The knowledge of the Russian language allowed me to read (and translate into Italian) crucial authors like Popovič, Lyudskanov, Torop, Revzin and Rozentsveyg. Since not many Western...
Book cover of My Life as a Foreigner in the 1950s
by Bruno Vartuli
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2015

As a young man in Italy’s Southern Calabria, Bruno Vartuli dreamed of starting a new life in a new land. On his arrival in Australia in the 1950s Bruno struggled to understand the language and culture, but with tremendous strength and perseverance he overcame each adversity and achieved amazing results....
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