Mental Spiritual Healing category: 2183 books

Cover of The Holistic Approach To Cancer
by Ian Pearce
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2012

When people are told they have cancer, they are apt to feel shocked, angry and frightened. They usually still have the idea that they have 'caught' a fatal disease, and, unless it has been found early on, that they will inevitably slip towards death within a measurable period of a few years or even...
Cover of Living Lightly

Living Lightly

A Journey Through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.)

by Jenny Light
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2015

An autobiographical, self-help guide for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.). This is a light-hearted reflection on the lessons to learnt from the condition and teaches clear techniques on self-healing, breathing techniques, meditation, personal growth, affirmation, positive thinking, supplements and raw-food diet to recover full health.
Cover of Keys to Your Divine

Keys to Your Divine

A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery

by Leena Maria Markkanen
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2016

Keys to Your Divine is a book about finding the light within you even in times of illness and hardship. Its about a state of fearlessness that may lead you to transformational recovery, becoming whole through healing. Leena Maria Markkanen recovered from life-threatening illnesses. From the...
Cover of Curar con las manos, el toque terapéutico transpersonal
by Graciela Pérez Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

A comienzos de los años 70, la Profesora Emérita de Enfermería de la Universidad de Nueva York, Dolores Krieger, tuvo la clara intuición que tanto ella como sus colegas enfermeras podían acceder a técnicas que consiguieran aliviar el dolor y acelerar el proceso curativo. Desde ese momento se...
Cover of I segreti della serotonina

I segreti della serotonina

L’ormone naturale che fa aumentare il buon umore, riduce il dolore e limita gli eccessi di cibo e di alcool.

by Carol Hart
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2011

La serotonina, una sostanza naturale essenziale, è uno dei più potenti modulatori corporei di umore, appetito, sonno e percezione della sofferenza. Inoltre ha un potente effetto sul cervello: fluttuazioni della sua disponibilità possono causare depressione, ansia, frenesia alimentare, insonnia,...
Cover of La Fabbrica dei Sentimenti sul Corpo dell'Uomo - Vol. 3
by Giuseppe Calligaris
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 5, 2014

Un modo profondamente originale di comprendere l'influenze dei sentimenti sugli organi e viceversa, in una visione scientificamente olistica. Le funzioni psichiche, non altrimenti che quelle motorie, sensitive etc. sono rappresentate, secondo un ordine preciso e secondo una regola fissa, sulle...
Cover of Via le Tensioni
by Cristian Bernardelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 22, 2016

Via le Tensioni è una preziosa lettura per tutti coloro che sono soggetti a frequenti tensioni muscolari, e che vogliono ritrovare il proprio benessere in modo naturale, attraverso dei semplici esercizi di stretching, concentrazione e respirazione, e senza il bisogno di particolari attrezzature. Via...
Cover of Le tre medicine
by Alfredo Bertagnoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2016

".....ho cercato di sviluppare maggiormente gli argomenti d’igiene che non quelli prettamente di cura, perché quelli contengono asserzioni e trovate meno caduche e più fondate di quelle offerte dai secondi, e più si prestano a vedute d’assieme. Esaltare l’atto respiratorio, enormemente trascurato...
Cover of I segreti dei popoli centenari

I segreti dei popoli centenari

I principi svelati della salute e della longevità.

by Muriel Levet
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 26, 2012

Numerose malattie e disturbi di varia natura sembrano essere un prezzo inderogabile e in costante aumento che la moderna società occidentale è costretta a pagare. Ma è davvero così? Dobbiamo rassegnarci all'idea che invecchiare significhi per forza di cose indebolirsi, soffrire, ammalarsi?I segreti...
Cover of Le Forze Sottili e la loro Azione - Contributo alla medicina psicosomatica
by Andrea Saetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2014

Quest’opera vuole gettare le basi razionali della moderna medicina psicosomatica, indicandone i fondamenti psichici e fisiologici, per trarla dall’attuale stato speculativo e sperimentale e contribuire a farne un metodo di cura scientifico; e vuole altresí dimostrare con alcuni esperimenti fatti...
Cover of The Soul's Power

The Soul's Power

A Memoir of the Spirit Through the Journey of Ms

by Maureen Philpott Napier
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2009

Maureen Philpott Napier had just turned forty years old. Personally and professionally, she was at the top of her game. But on March 26, 2006, she suffered a paralyzing multiple sclerosis attack. Her life, her work, and her identity changed forever. During that first year of her diagnosis, she changed...
Cover of Terminal Cancer - How I Survive

Terminal Cancer - How I Survive

Living Life with Courage & Conviction

by Karen Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2018

In 2006 Karen Alexander was diagnosed with advanced incurable cancer when the PET scan showed multiple bone metastasis at C6, T1, T2, T3, T5, T6, S1, several right and left ribs. She was given absolutely no hope of surviving. Karen has been a recluse for many years, and takes the time to tell...
Cover of Metamorphosis:


A Poetry Manual for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

by Robyn Apffel
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2014

Metamorphosis: A Poetry Manual for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse is designed to lead the reader to self-awareness and self-expression. The chapters are arranged chronologically, guiding the reader through early childhood, adolescence, courtship and marriage, body issues, and into recovery. Each...
Cover of The Gut Wellness Guide

The Gut Wellness Guide

The Power of Breath, Touch, and Awareness to Reduce Stress, Aid Digestion, and Reclaim Whole-Body Health

by Allison Post, Stephen Cavaliere
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2018

A user-friendly guide for anyone grappling with chronic pain, fatigue, gas, bloating, and other common disorders associated with the gut Addressing a wide range of conditions—including digestive problems, anxiety, and depression—this easy-to-use guide presents simple ways to relieve the...
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