Development Growth category: 1653 books

Cover of The Power of Collaborative Solutions

The Power of Collaborative Solutions

Six Principles and Effective Tools for Building Healthy Communities

by Tom Wolff
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2010

In this groundbreaking book, Tom Wolff spells out six proven principles for creating collabo- rative solutions for healthy communities. The Power of Collaborative Solutions addresses contemporary social problems by helping people of diverse circumstances and backgrounds work together to solve community...
Cover of 未來十年微趨勢:洞察工作、科技、生活全新樣貌,掌握下一波成功商機


Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving the Big Disruptions Today

by 馬克‧潘, 梅樂迪斯.芬曼
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2019

★比爾‧蓋茲最重視的趨勢觀察家、柯林頓總統最倚重的策略顧問,十年一大作 ★美國投資大師 Jim Cramer說:馬克‧潘的書「每一頁都是錢」! 微趨勢是面對當下的「強大工具」, 因為它可以解開並且解釋我們所看到的,原本想不通的變化, 帶來商業模式的躍遷、生活方式的轉變,以及價值觀念的衝擊。 馬克‧潘以先見之明,為我們提示了這些「微趨勢」, 帶領讀者看到變化的輪廓,掌握下一波商機。 「微趨勢」看似微小,卻隱含龐大的商機和社會影響力! 我們活在一個「微趨勢」的世界裡。這些趨勢乍看微小,影響力卻超乎它們的規模,而且處處可見。 在進入一個新轉換階段的此刻,這些新興力量正在浮現和匯聚,並以看似不按常理的變化在顛覆社會,將我們往不同方向拉扯。 前微軟策略長、資深顧問馬克‧潘再度出擊,從50種新微趨勢,預言未來十年,商業、文化、生活、政治的趨勢走向,揭開被多數人忽略的隱藏商機。這些微趨勢是從過去十年的變化浪潮中湧現出來的,它們並非所有變化的完整集合,而是不同生活領域的切片,有些引起世界共鳴,有些顯得古怪有趣,例如: ☉[個資狂熱份子]把自己對個資的熱愛消遣變賣現金 ☉[舊經濟選民]覺得自己被遺忘的銀髮世代,正試圖奪回詮釋世界的權力 ☉[新生代管家]進入Uber...
Cover of AI經濟的策略思維:善用人工智慧的預測威力,做出最佳商業決策


Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

by 阿杰.艾格拉瓦 Ajay Agrawal, 約書亞.格恩斯 Joshua Gans, 阿維.高德法布 Avi Goldfarb
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2018

到底該如何應用AI、找出創造新價值的機會? 了解人工智慧最強大的力量,就在預測, 用經濟學的分析架構,設計出最佳的策略選擇! 「AI 對你的企業有什麼意義?看這本書就知道。」 --Google首席經濟學家哈爾.韋瑞安 自動駕駛、物體辨識、語言翻譯、詐騙偵測… AI的應用正快速滲入每一個領域,人工智慧大普及的時代即將來臨。但是,能夠利用AI脫穎而出的企業屈指可數。AI科技對企業到底有什麼影響? 備受科技界與決策領導人推崇的多倫多大學羅特曼管理學院的三位教授艾格拉瓦、格恩斯、高德法布,是專門研究科技影響的經濟學家。在本書中,他們解答經理人該如何思考AI影響的各種問題。 ●對企業來說,AI到底是什麼?AI是預測的科技,而預測是決策的生產要素。 ●AI的關鍵影響是什麼?AI的重大經濟意義,就是使得預測變得更便宜。可以被人工智慧預測取代的都會貶值;與人工智慧預測互補的都會升值。未來無可取代的就是資料與判斷。 ●當預測便宜到人人可以負擔,企業的工作流程、事業規模與範圍、商業模式、策略選擇全都會改變。三位教授發展出一套評量AI策略的AI...
Cover of 新零售進化論:數據技術翻轉下的新競爭教戰守策
by 陳歡,陳澄波
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 10, 2019

**新零售,正在進化!**解讀新零售生態的邏輯 人貨場全面升級、業種業態加速數據融合轉型 ** ** 馬雲在二○一六年阿里巴巴的雲棲大會上說:「未來的十年、二十年,沒有電子商務這一說,只有新零售。」互聯網與傳統零售業融合的「新零售」,將改變零售的時間、空間、效率,甚至是用戶的體驗。   這是一本引領潮流、解讀新零售的教戰守策: ——我們是業界的強者,如果跟不上新零售的潮流,會不會被淘汰? ——我們不是業界強者,理解新零售能幫助我們獲得更大的競爭優勢嗎? ——我們剛剛進場,怎樣找到新零售的新玩法?   在新零售時代,所有的人、貨、場既是物理的也是數據的,數據是資產、是競爭門檻,要想贏在新零售時代,就必須洞察數據世界的核心規律和競爭法則,運用數據並融合零售的物理屬性,透過這些基本原理,進一步瞭解新零售的核心演算法邏輯,讓你的人、貨、場全面革新升級。 ** ** 新零售時代,零售業的遊戲規則、競爭要素,已徹底革新! 數據技術的應用、實體世界的變革、消費體驗的升級、品牌形象的重塑、零售新物種的誕生,在這場進化的新競爭中,必須要確實掌握新零售產業鏈的核心法則: 一原理:物理數據二重性。 三法則:推動物理與數據融合;促進線上線下體驗的融合;豐富滿足無時、無地、無處的購物場景。 八大核心演算法:評價體系、客製化體驗、隨時待命的服務、商品的內容、範圍經濟、優化商品時間屬性、人貨場算法升級、持續與消費者對話。 八大產業鏈領域:管理系統、解決方案服務、數據採集與應用、商品增加、消費場景技術、全域行銷、智慧支付、智慧供應鏈。   互聯網與傳統零售業的融合勢在必行:消費習慣與模式正在變革,整體供應鏈管理正在轉型。零售商業模式不斷進化中,面臨的挑戰與阻礙越來越多,該如何全面思考、制定革新策略?   作者以自身科技產業諮詢的專業,近距離觀察行業發展,把自己的所見所感、所察所思系統歸納,從新零售的底層拆解,透視新零售的本質,找出新零售生態背後的邏輯思路,解讀並剖析新零售的趨勢和規律,幫助零售業順利找到切入點: 新零售是什麼? 用戶的體驗與需求,為何和以往都不同?線上線下的體驗如何融合? 為什麼線上電商開始轉營實體店面? 全球不少大型連鎖店面臨關店潮,線下真的不敵線上? 線上線下的流量,要如何融合並將它轉化成人流,進而成為現金流? 大企業對新零售有什麼手段與布局? 實體零售在這波趨勢潮流扮演怎樣的角色? 大量數據與訊息充斥更迭,用戶對商品的瀏覽、消費、評價等模式已改變,要如何精準掌握?   新零售的各種現象都是由數據的變革開始大規模發揮效用。數據可以快速複製,是具體且精準,不會因為使用而消耗,只要牢牢把握數據技術、發掘數據與物理兩者融合後所激發出的新特性,善用本書的教戰守策,就能在這場時代級的新競爭中找到有效發展新零售的契機。   本書特色: 剖析新零售的基本架構,搭建演算圖譜。 企業成功案例和大量的輔助觀點,揭示新零售的演算邏輯應用與實踐。 引導理解新零售的規則,找出自身優勢,有效踏上致勝之路。 ** ** 【推薦】 台灣新零售教父,91APP董事長...
Cover of Summary: How To Succeed in Business by Breaking All the Rules - Dan S. Kennedy
by BusinessNews Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

This work offers a summary of the book “HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS BY BREAKING ALL THE RULES: A Plan for Entrepreneurs” by Dan S. Kennedy.Dan S. Kennedy points out that most business books give “rules for success”. However, Kennedy’s research suggests that in fact, people should do the opposite:...
Cover of Eyvah, Yönetici Oldum!
by Özden Aslan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: July 2, 2015

Bir İnsan Kaynakları Masalı, İşte Zor İnsanlar, İyi Ki Farklıyız ve Zor İnsanlarla Zorlanmadan Baş Etmek kitaplarının yazarından yöneticilik yolculuğuna çıkanların "iyilik meleği" olmaya aday bir kitap...Özden Aslan, yönetim kitapları alanında iyi bir yazar. Bunun iki temel nedeni...
Cover of Davut ve Golyat
by Malcolm Gladwell
Language: Turkish
Release Date: December 18, 2014

Devler göründükleri kadar güçlü değildir.Adını, kutsal metinlerde de söz edilen meşhur düellodan alan Davut ve Golyat, sıradan insanlarla devlerin kadim mücadelesine dair bir kitap. "Dev" ile kastedilen ise her türden güçlü rakip: Ordular, kudretli savaşçılar, engellilik, talihsizlik...
Cover of Understanding Management Research

Understanding Management Research

An Introduction to Epistemology

by Dr Phil Johnson, Dr Joanne Duberley
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2000

'These sections represent the clearest rendition yet of these subjects, with difficult concepts introduced in a digestible form for the neophytic (or not so neophytic) researcher. Whilst in a book this size not every argument can be presented, there is ample extra material to be found to encourage...
Cover of Business Lessons from the Rainforest.
by Dozie Nzewi
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2012

The rainforest is the most successful ecosystem on the planet: with more species of fish in one pond than all of the British Isle and over 2000 different species of plants per acre; the origin of half of the world's species and a quarter of all naturally occurring drugs. It also recycles a quarter...
Cover of Summary: Idea Mapping - Jamie Nast
by BusinessNews Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

This work offers a summary of the book “IDEA MAPPING: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More and Achieve Success in Business” by Jamie NastThe human brain, Jamie Nast suggests, is better at processing information when it is presented visually. Despite this, however, most...
Cover of Build Forever Today

Build Forever Today

An Online Millionaire Plan Book Three

by Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2013

In answer to your unspoken question: Yes, there's a natural system at work in ALL successful businesses. The few entrepreneurs who stumble on this become "overnight" wonders. It was known to the 500 world leaders interviewed by Napoleon Hill for his "Think and Grow Rich."...
Cover of The Complete Guide to Getting Business Using LinkedIn
by Paul Davis
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Learn...How to set up your profile to make it effectiveOptimising your profile to ensure you get found by potential clientsHow to build your network of contactsGetting more people to know about your business, and what you doSetting up an online brochure for your...
Cover of Adım Adım İnovasyon
by Bora Özkent
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 17, 2015

Son on yılda birçok kurumsal şirkete, girişimciye yeni ürünler geliştirmeleri ve inovasyonu destekleyen bir kültür oluşturmalarında yardımcı olan Bora Özkent, bu alandaki birikimini akademik bakış açısıyla birleştiren kapsamlı bir inovasyon rehberiyle karşımızda: Adım Adım İnovasyonAdım...
Cover of Das Pareto-Prinzip

Das Pareto-Prinzip

Die 80/20-Regel

Language: German
Release Date: March 29, 2018

In nur 50 Minuten das Pareto-Prinzip verstehen Das Pareto-Prinzip besagt, dass mit 20 % des Gesamtaufwands 80 % der Ergebnisse erzielt werden können. Die Anwendung kann in einem definierten Bereich signifikante Verbesserungen erzielen. Die 80/20-Regel ist in der Soziologie entstanden und über die...
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