Depression category: 790 books

Cover of Coaching quantico di risveglio

Coaching quantico di risveglio

Come diventare il maestro di sé stesso

by Luigi Miano
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 30, 2017

Quante volte siamo disorientati e cerchiamo risposte? Oppure ci sentiamo giù e non sappiamo perché? O, ancora, affrontiamo situazioni della nostra vita che sembrano troppo più grandi di noi? Luigi Miano ha vissuto personalmente molti momenti difficili e ha voluto mettere a disposizione una tecnologia...
Cover of The Human Behavior
by Valentin Matcas
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

How can you control yourself and be successful in all situations throughout life? You simply learn everything about yourself, and about life. To be specific, your behavior represents the summation of your lifelong activity, and this is what you have to address. How can you improve and control your...
Cover of Aller mal quand tout va bien

Aller mal quand tout va bien

La dépression dédramatisée

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Extrait  "Que nous nous emmitouflions dans une doudoune ou que nous bravions le froid en manches courtes, que nous rouspétions contre les intempéries ou que nous nous blottissions avec volupté devant un bon feu de cheminée, l'hiver n'en sera ni plus long, ni...
Cover of Marre de la vie ?

Marre de la vie ?

Tuez la dépression avant qu'elle ne vous tue !

by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: February 26, 2016

Vous êtes malheureux ou découragé, fragile ou angoissé ? L'idée de mettre fin à vos jours vous a déjà effleuré ?... Alors ce livre va changer votre vie. C'est le plan du labyrinthe dépressif, le phare qui permet d'éviter les...
Cover of Les vraies causes de la dépression
by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Extrait  "On doit distinguer les causes sur lesquelles on ne peut rien, des causes sur lesquelles vous pouvez agir.  Exemple de cause incontrôlable : un tremblement de terre. Exemple de cause contrôlable : la mauvaise habitude de se tenir voûté en...
Cover of Et si la dépression avait un sens ?
by Lucia Canovi
Language: French
Release Date: February 2, 2016

Extrait  "Qu'on ait la joue gonflée par un abcès, qu'on se soit pris une vitre trop propre en pleine poire ou qu'on soit hanté par des idées à ailes noires, petites sœurs de Dracula, on a mal. La dépression est une souffrance parmi d'autres. ...
Cover of Overwhelmed


Coping with Life's Ups and Downs

by Nancy K. Schlossberg
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2007

Overwhelmed helps people make sense out of the transitions they face in every day life. This book is based on years of research—studies of people moving, adults returning to school, people whose jobs were eliminated, retirment, non-events like not having a baby, not getting promoted. These studies...
Cover of PTSD Road to Recovery Workbook
by Bob Bray, George Bissett
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2016

The PTSD Work Book is the perfect accompanying piece for the PTSD One Soldiers Story and will help you to absorb and take in everything that you have learned so far. Using tried and tested methods we use the lessons that we learned in our past to help us push forward and take control of our lives...
Cover of Shifting Sands

Shifting Sands

His Hell. Her Prison.

by M. Todd Henderson
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2011

M. Todd Henderson, a former advertising and marketing executive has published a book that echoes many painful truths in his own life. Entitled Shifting Sands: His Hell. Her Prison, the book is the story of the tumultuous life of a mentally ill husband and father, Scott Walters, who struggles to find...
Cover of Eating Disorders Treatment Guide: Why Do I Struggle And How Can I Keep Getting Better?
by James Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2018

Eating disorders have bigger impact on our lives every year. Some studies show that even one in ten people might've been struggled with eating disorders at some point of their life. Although they're usually linked to young females, anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders can happen to everyone,...
Cover of Mindfulness: Boost Self-Confidence, Beat Worrying & Shyness, Build Great Habits & Become a Better You
by Richard Carroll
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2018

Mindfulness: Boost Self-Confidence, Beat Worrying & Shyness, Build Great Habits & Become a Better You If you want to Build Self-Control, Overcome Fear & Self Doubt, Find Your Passion & Attract Hapiness, then this is your book! This book contains awesome steps and strategies...
Cover of Your Amazing Itty Bitty Veterans Survival Book

Your Amazing Itty Bitty Veterans Survival Book

15 Keys to Help You & Your Family Deal with PTSD

by Earl J. Katigbak
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2016

Strategic Victory Manual for Veterans and their Families Recover From and Overcome PTSD By Applying These 15 Successful Principles Together! Every day, twenty-two veterans commit suicide. Nine percent of all inmates have served on active duty. Over eight percent of the homeless are...
Cover of Breakup Rehab

Breakup Rehab

Creating the Love You Want

by Rebekah Freedom McClaskey
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2017

Turn Your Pain from Breakup into an Opportunity to Grow toward True Love After her devastating breakup, counselor Rebekah Freedom McClaskey became inspired by her work in the field of addiction recovery to craft a safe, step-by-step path to forging healthy relationships based on honesty, love,...
Cover of Il Disturbo Passivo: Aggressivo
by Jennifer King
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 10, 2012

Gli individui con Disturbo Passivo-Aggressivo si arrabbiano per un senso di presunta privazione; sentono di non avere abbastanza e che vengono privati di ciò di cui hanno bisogno. Credono inoltre di essere intrappolati dal loro stesso destino; per loro niente si risolve. Provano invidia e risentimento...
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