Criminal Law category: 2380 books

Cover of Philosophical Foundations of Neurolaw
by Martin Roth
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

As neuroscience continues to reveal the biological basis of human thought and behavior, what impact will this have on legal theory and practice? The emerging field of neurolaw seeks to address this question, but doing so adequately requires confronting difficult philosophical issues surrounding the...
Cover of La responsabilità penale e civile del medico
by Bilancetti Mauro - Bilancetti Francesco
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2011

“Il concetto di responsabilità presuppone quello di illecito. È illecito ciò che una norma considera vietato e l’ordinamento giuridico, a seconda della natura e del grado di illiceità, vi attribuisce come conseguenza una sanzione.” L’Opera, conosciuta ed apprezzata e giunta alla sua settima...
Cover of Tecniche e Metodologia della scrittura giuridica
by Maria Giovanna Coffaro
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 11, 2013

Questa guida vuole costituire un valido strumento didattico di facile consultazione per chi si accinge ad affrontare le prove scritte del concorso per Uditore Giudiziario, per Commissario di Polizia di Stato, Carriera Prefettizia o per altro concorso pubblico. Attraverso indicazioni ed utili suggerimenti...
Cover of Quattro codici

Quattro codici

Prima edizione 2019 Collana Vigenti

by Francesco Bartolini, Luigi Alibrandi, Piermaria Corso
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 7, 2019

L’Opera è aggiornata con: - la L. 11 febbraio 2019, n. 12, di conversione, con modificazioni, del D.L. 14 dicembre 2018, n. 135 (Decreto Semplificazioni), recante modifica all’art. 2330 del Codice civile e agli articoli 495, 560 e 569 del Codice di procedura civile; - il D.L.vo 12 gennaio 2019,...
Cover of Quattro codici

Quattro codici

Prima edizione 2019 Collana Pocket

by Francesco Bartolini, Luigi Alibrandi, Piermaria Corso
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 27, 2019

L’Opera è aggiornata con: - la L. 11 febbraio 2019, n. 12, di conversione, con modificazioni, del D.L. 14 dicembre 2018, n. 135 (Decreto Semplificazioni), recante modifiche del Codice di procedura civile; - il D.L.vo 12 gennaio 2019, n. 14, Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza, che...
Cover of Le operazioni sospette di riciclaggio
by Paolo Broccoli, Vincenzo Farace, Giuseppe Roddi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2018

Nell’azione di contrasto al riciclaggio, la segnalazione delle operazioni sospette rappresenta il punto di partenza della scoperta delle molteplici attività illecite in cui il fenomeno si articola. Frutto di un’attenta e completa disamina della disciplina normativa e delle prassi operative sviluppatesi...
Cover of Appunti per una Costituzione alla Luce del Vangelo
by Giulio Bacosi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2015

L’Autore usa parole semplici e chiare per indagare i rapporti tra il Vangelo come “Costituzione” del credente cattolico e la “laica” Costituzione Repubblicana, facendo affiorare profonde affinità a prima vista impensabili. Ne esce una visione del Potere orientata al Servizio dei Cittadini.
Cover of Juvenile Justice in the Making
by David S. Tanenhaus
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2004

In his engaging narrative history of the rise and workings of America's first juvenile court, David S. Tanenhaus explores the fundamental and enduring question of how the law should treat the young. Sifting through almost 3,000 previously unexamined Chicago case files from the early twentieth century,...
Cover of Moving Toward the Future of Policing
by Gregory F. Treverton, Matt Wollman, Elizabeth Wilke
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2011

Advances in technology and operating concepts are driving significant changes in the day-to-day operations of future police forces. This book explores potential visions of the future of policing, based on the drivers of jurisdiction, technology, and threat, and includes concrete steps for implementation....
Cover of Transitional Justice in Latin America

Transitional Justice in Latin America

The Uneven Road from Impunity towards Accountability

Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2016

This book addresses current developments in transitional justice in Latin America – effectively the first region to undergo concentrated transitional justice experiences in modern times. Using a comparative approach, it examines trajectories in truth, justice, reparations, and amnesties in countries...
Cover of Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2015

This book presents a varied and critical picture of how the Arab Spring demands a re-examination and re-conceptualization of issues of transitional justice. It demonstrates how unique features of this wave of revolutions and popular protests that have swept the Arab world since December 2010 give...
Cover of Informants


A Guide for Developing and Controlling

by Michael E. Grimes
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2015

Knowing the proper procedures for handling an informant is important for officers. The material in this manual was developed through the misfortune of many who have used informants. Use of the manual will help maintain the integrity of the department, the controlling officer, and the investigation.
Cover of Shooting Handguns: From Shooting Fundamentals to Marksmanship
by Michael F. Mangiaracina
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2018

A complete and concise guide to the selection, use and maintenance of both revolvers and semi-automatic handguns. Includes: Handgun Functioning, Care and Cleaning. Firearms Safety. Discussion of Basic Legal Issues, Tips on Training Others and a Sample Personal Firearms Records are also included.
Cover of JUROR 11



by Terry Allen Rathmann
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2016

Ever wanted to be a juror on an important trial? Now is your chance. In this book, you’ll be a virtual juror, experiencing the challenges of a trial involving murder, deception, judgment and plenty of excitement. In Juror 11, you will journey into a courtroom, taking your place in one of...
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