Adolescent Psychology category: 2820 books

Cover of Psychotherapie in der GKV zwischen alten Kontroversen und gesetzlicher Neuregelung
Language: German
Release Date: May 31, 2015

Der Sammelband des Instituts für Europäische Gesundheitspolitik und Sozialrecht (ineges) enthält Vortrags- und Diskussionsbeiträge zu den im aktuellen Koalitionsvertrag geplanten Reformen zum rechtlichen Rahmenwerk der Psychotherapie und der psychotherapeutischen Versorgung. Hintergrund ist das...
Cover of Immigrant Stories

Immigrant Stories

Ethnicity and Academics in Middle Childhood

Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2009

Immigrant Stories portrays the contexts and academic trajectories of development of three unique immigrant groups: Cambodian, Dominican and Portuguese. The children of immigrant families - or second generation youth - are the fastest growing population of school children in the US. However, very little...
Cover of The Conscience and Self-Conscious Emotions in Adolescence
by Frans Schalkwijk
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

The consequences of apparent moral failings in an individual are something that can be seen frequently in the media and in everyday life. One issue that is rarely addressed in public discussion about someone’s ‘lack of conscience’ is any thought as to how the conscience actually functions. In The...
Cover of Come una pietra leggera

Come una pietra leggera

Giochi di sabbia che curano

by Lella Ravasi Bellocchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 16, 2013

Storie d’analisi di grandi e di bambini, racconti che parlano utilizzando la metodica del “Gioco della sabbia”: un mondo in miniatura, un’Arca di Noè per salvare immagini interiori, frammenti di vita, sogni. È la visione, non la parola, a dominare la scena, e questo ci rimanda alla profondità...
Cover of Semiótica, cultura y desarrollo psicológico
by Jerome Bruner
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 3, 2018

Las investigaciones en torno a la psicología del desarrollo han experimentado, en las últimas décadas, cambios revolucionarios. Han logrado liberarse de los principales obstáculos que trababan su avance: los cuestionamientos abstractos de otrora que oponían "naturaleza" y "cultura",...
Cover of Ado-défi


Stratégies pour mieux vivre l'adolescence

by Étienne Gaudet
Language: French
Release Date: August 26, 2013

Ah ! l'adolescence… Une période exigeante, tant pour les ados eux-mêmes que pour leurs parents ! Pour leur venir en aide, Ado-défi se présente sous la forme de deux sections tête-bêche : un côté prodigue des conseils aux jeunes, tandis que l'autre s'adresse aux parents. La présence des deux...
Cover of Adolescenti con il cuore a mille. Come capire le emozioni dei propri figli
by Nick Luxmoore
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 30, 2015

Gli adolescenti provano sentimenti caotici e contraddittori, sono alla continua ricerca di risposte, vanno in confusione e fanno fatica a dare un senso a ciò che stanno vivendo.È facile gestirli quando sono innamorati persi, mano nella mano a guardarsi negli occhi, perché sono docili e fanno tenerezza,...
Cover of Comprendere gli adolescenti

Comprendere gli adolescenti

Note di psicologia dell’adolescenza

by Vincenzo Amendolagine
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2015

L’adolescenza è una delle fasi più problematiche dell’intero arco di vita dell’individuo. La monografia traccia, in maniera semplice, una panoramica di questo periodo. Fra gli argomenti, sono affrontati i cambiamenti che a livello fisico e sessuale contraddistinguono questo lasso di tempo,...
Cover of Adolescenti navigati
by Matteo Lancini
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 29, 2015

L’uso intensivo di internet, la penetrazione profonda delle nuove tecnologie nella vita di tutti i giorni, l’aumento vertiginoso delle relazioni virtuali hanno modificato profondamente il profilo degli adolescenti contemporanei, lasciando gli adulti quasi sempre sgomenti e impreparati a gestire...
Cover of Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Matthew T. Brodhead, David J. Cox, Shawn P. Quigley
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2018

Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder is for behavior analysts working directly with, or supervising those who work with, individuals with autism. The book addresses important topics such as the principles and values that underlie the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s...
Cover of Adolescentes en riesgo

Adolescentes en riesgo

Una mirada a partir de la resiliencia

by Blanca Estela Barcelata Eguiarte
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2019

La presente obra tiene como propósito analizar aspectos teóricos y metodológicos, con una base empírica, de la resiliencia, a partir el enfoque de la psicopatología del desarrollo también denominado perspectiva evolutiva o ecológico transaccional, por su visión integral del desarrollo adolescente....
Cover of Effective Anger Management for Children and Youth
by Yoon Phaik Ooi, Rebecca P Ang, Nikki Lim-Ashworth
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2014

The Effective Anger Management for Children and Youth manual and workbook are specially designed for teachers, counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and other mental health professionals who assist in various capacities in working with children who exhibit anger and aggression problems. The...
Cover of Ungewollt Schwanger - Was wird nun aus mir?
by Jana Friedrichsen
Language: German
Release Date: June 20, 2018

Aus Scham hilflos? 42 Millionen Schwangerschaftsabbrüche weltweit Die Gründe sind vielfältig Junge Menschen besonders gefährdet Vergewaltigung häufiger Grund Trotz Verhütung schwanger? Sind Sie sich absolut sicher? Die Folgen sind gravierend Was tun bei ungewollter Schwangerschaft? Sie sind...
Cover of Different From the Other Kids - Natural Alternatives Edition
by Angela Tsounis, Dr. Jonathan Prousky
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2016

Traditional medicine devalues and demeans anything natural as quackery. Angela Tsounis' original best-selling book ended with a "What if?": what if there was some natural therapy that could help her daughter, who was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder? After years of pharmaceutical medication,...
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