Theory Of Economics category: 2484 books

Cover of Economic Philosophy
by Joan Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

"Economics has always been partly a vehicle" for the ruling ideology of each period as well as partly a method of scientific investigation. It limps along with one foot in untested hypotheses and the other in untestable slogans. Here our task is to sort out as best we may this mixture of...
Cover of From Galileo to Modern Economics

From Galileo to Modern Economics

The Italian Origins of Econophysics

by Gianfranco Tusset
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2018

Empirical laws are rare in economics. This book describes efforts to anchor economic knowledge to invariant empirical laws. It links 17th and 18th century Galilean monetary economists to econophysics, a field that emerged in the mid-1990s. This virtual journey from past to present is charted by episodes...
Cover of Research in Law and Economics
by Dana Gold, Richard O. ZerbeJr.
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2012

Since 1979 Research in Law and Economics has been presenting original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law. The first chapter in this volume proposes three different definitions for market power from...
Cover of The Theory of Extensive Form Games
by Klaus Ritzberger, Carlos Alós-Ferrer
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2016

This book treats extensive form game theory in full generality. It provides a framework that does not rely on any finiteness assumptions at all, yet covers the finite case. The presentation starts by identifying the appropriate concept of a game tree. This concept represents a synthesis of earlier...
Cover of The Principles of Morals and Legislation: Full and Fine 1781 Edition (Illustrated)
by Jeremy Bentham, Timeless Books: Editor
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2015

The book has an active table of contents for easy access to each chapter. Jeremy Bentham was a British philosopher, jurist, social reformer and the founder of modern utilitarianism. He is in the row with the greatest thinkers Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, John Keynes, John Locke, and Alfred...
Cover of Advances in Household Economics, Consumer Behaviour and Economic Policy
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

This book considers recent advances in household economics, consumer behaviour and economic policy and examines their interrelationship and impact on growth, development, trade and welfare policy in world economies in the 21st century. Researched and written by authorities in these emerging areas...
Cover of Sir Arthur Lewis

Sir Arthur Lewis

A Biography

by P. Mosley, B. Ingham
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2013

Sir Arthur Lewis was the first development economist, the first Afro-Caribbean to hold a professorial chair at a British university and the first black man to win the Nobel prize for economics. However, he believed his contributions to the well-being of the poor through social and political activism were as important as his economics.
Cover of Capitalism, Socialism and Property Rights

Capitalism, Socialism and Property Rights

Why Market Socialism Cannot Substitute the Market

by Mateusz Machaj
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2018

The comparative analysis of socialist and capitalist economic systems has given rise to a voluminous literature in the history of economic thought, yet detailed analysis of the “market socialism” model, which seeks to imitate the functional efficiency of capitalism by simulating a competitive...
Cover of Geological Observations on South America (Illustrated and Bundled with The Autobiography of Charles Darwin)
by Charles Darwin
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2014

This book has an active table of contents to access each chapter of the following titles: 1. Geological Observations on South America - Charles Darwin 2. The autobiography of Charles Darwin - Charles Darwin The most well-known work An Essay on the Principle of Population was...
Cover of Basic Mathematics for Economics 8: Differentiation for Optimal Design
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi
Language: Japanese
Release Date: May 20, 2018

Cover of Civil Service Exam Preparation: Mathematics for Economics
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi
Language: Japanese
Release Date: October 1, 2013

本書は,経済学博士(大阪大学)による「公務員」,「公認会計士」,「不動産鑑定士」の受験科目の「経済学」に必要な「数学」についての解説書です。文系の学生の場合,数学をあまり勉強してこなかった人も多いにもかかわらず,経済学を勉強するときには数学の知識が必要になってきます。しかしながら,経済学を勉強するためにわざわざ数学を勉強する時間はないというのが普通です。 そこで,本書は,今まであまり数学を勉強してこなかった人でも,1日か2日で読み終えることができ,公務員,公認会計士,不動産鑑定士受験科目の「経済学」に必要な「数学」の基礎知識が身に付くようになっています。 本書で扱っている内容は以下のようになっています。 関数 1-1....
Cover of Introduction to Mathematics for Economics and Business: Volume I
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi
Language: Japanese
Release Date: February 3, 2015

Cover of Basic Mathematics for Economics 4: Sequences and Series
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi
Language: Japanese
Release Date: March 25, 2018

本書は,現在,経済学あるいは経営学を勉強している,あるいはこれから勉強しようと考えている人々のために書かれた入門テキストです。 第 4 巻の「数列と級数」では,有限数列,初項,第n項,一般項,項数,末項,無限数列,部分列,等差数列,公差,等差数列の和の公式,等比数列,公比,等比数列の和の公式,数列の和の表記,単利法,複利法,階差数列,二項定理,三項定理,多項定理,数列の収束,極限値,数列の発散,極限値の四則演算,極限値の大小関係,無限級数,有限級数,部分和,無限等比級数について説明しています。 巻末には練習問題と解答を付けています。 また,本書は,手軽にそして自由に持ち運ぶことができる電子書籍ということで,どこでもそしていつでも簡単に読むことができるように,できる限り短い文章で簡潔に説明しています。 本書は『経済数学入門シリーズ』の最新版であり,説明も大幅に増やし,また「経済数学がすぐに理解できる」ということで,タイトルも変えています。 本書の目次は,以下のようになっています。 はじめに 第1章:数...
Cover of Basic Mathematics for Economics 13: Matrices
by Kazuhiro Ohnishi
Language: Japanese
Release Date: October 10, 2018

本書は,現在,経済学あるいは経営学を勉強している,あるいはこれから勉強しようと考えている人々のために書かれた入門テキストです。 第13巻の「行列」では,行,列,零行列,正方行列,対角成分,対角行列,単位行列,加法,減法,実数倍,乗法,逆行列,正則行列,転置行列について説明しています。 巻末には練習問題と解答を付けています。 また,本書は,手軽にそして自由に持ち運ぶことができる電子書籍ということで,どこでもそしていつでも簡単に読むことができるように,できる限り短い文章で簡潔に説明しています。 本書は『経済数学入門シリーズ』の最新版であり,説明も大幅に増やし,また「経済数学をすぐに理解できる」ということで,タイトルも変えています。 本書の目次は,以下のようになっています。 はじめに 行...
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