Poetry History category: 2770 books

Cover of Revival: The Vercelli Book (1932)

Revival: The Vercelli Book (1932)

The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records - A Collective Edition

Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

In accordance with the plan of this collective edition of Anglo-Saxon poetry, as announced in the Preface to the first volume, containing the texts of the Junius Manuscript, the poetical parts of the Vercelli Book are here groped together in a second volume.
Cover of La poesía temprana de Emily Dickinson
by Gabriel Torres Chalk, Paul S. Derrick, Nicolás Estévez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2017

Este es el tercer volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducción y lectura crítica de los cuarenta cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson, secuencias poéticas cortas que plantean una serie de preguntas acerca de las intenciones y los logros artísticos de la misteriosa autora norteamericana. La...
Cover of Sonnets de William Shakespeare

Sonnets de William Shakespeare

Les Fiches de lecture d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2015

Bienvenue dans la collection Les Fiches de lecture d’Universalis Les Sonnets de William Shakespeare (1564-1616) ont été publiés en 1609 par le libraire-éditeur Thomas Thorpe, sans doute sans l’autorisation de l’auteur. Il est probable, cependant que, comme presque toute poésie lyrique...
Cover of The Superstitious Muse

The Superstitious Muse

Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically

by David Bethea
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2019

For several decades David Bethea has written authoritatively on the “mythopoetic thinking” that lies at the heart of classical Russian literature, especially Russian poetry. His theoretically informed essays and books have made a point of turning back to issues of intentionality and biography...
Cover of Из записной книжки Стихи Изречения Афоризмы
by Ю. Шарахов, Александр Бобков
Language: Russian
Release Date: November 15, 2015

Не слово было вначале.., мысль! • Человек - ничтожество снаружи и глыба, - изнутри. • Лучше ошибаться на истинном пути, чем быть правым на ложном… • Даже если...
Cover of The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals)

The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals)

Essays by Various Hands

by Sir Frank Kermode
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2014

Various aspects of Milton are explored in this collection of essays by scholars whose reputations were, at the time of publication in 1960, perhaps largely based on their writings on more modern subjects. This had the advantage of demonstrating that Milton as a poet is "alive" and that other attempts...
Cover of De dood de baas

De dood de baas

gedichten belicht voor je begrafenis

by Harry Kuitert
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 31, 2009

Verrassend genoeg schreef theoloog Harry Kuitert nu geen boek over God of Jezus, maar over dichters en de dood. Hij laat hen aan het woord over het enige wat we zeker weten in ons leven: dat het ophoudt. Een andere verrassing: het is geen somber, maar een vrolijk boek geworden. Kuitert citeert en...
Cover of I bisbigli di un'anima muta
by Zairo Ferrante
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2014

Raccolta di saggi, racconti e versi intorno alla poesia. Un libro che invita a ricercare il mondo nella poesia e la poesia nel mondo. Parole che spingono ad ascoltare la propria Anima per non smarrirsi nel correre veloce dell'Umanità. Un'esaltazione del verso dai “mille usi” e della “Poesia...
Cover of Edward Thomas and World Literary Studies

Edward Thomas and World Literary Studies

Wales, Anglocentrism and English Literature

by Andrew Webb
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2013

Edward Thomas and World Literary Studies offers a revelatory re-reading of Edward Thomas. Adapting Pascale Casanova’s vision of ‘world literature’ as a system of competing national traditions, this study analyses Thomas’s appropriation of Anglocentric British literary culture at key moments...
Cover of Meghdoot
by Kalidas
Language: Hindi
Release Date: May 11, 2017

मेघदूतम् महाकवि कालिदास द्वारा रचित विख्यात दूतकाव्य है। इसमें एक यक्ष की कथा है जिसे कुबेर अलकापुरी से निष्कासित...
Cover of On a voté à ma place (nouvelle)
by St Antoine De La Vuadi
Language: French
Release Date: February 28, 2012

Qu’est-ce que vous vous dites quand vous vous levez fièrement, rempli de patriotisme, pour accomplir votre devoir civique et que l’on vous dit que vous l’avez déjà fait ? Y a-t-il un double de vous qui participez aux activités électorales à votre place ? A travers une écriture maîtrisée, St Antoine de La Vuadi nous livre sa plus belle nouvelle.
Cover of Roma di Mario Dell'Arco

Roma di Mario Dell'Arco

poesia & architettura

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 7, 2016

“Occorre dire con chiarezza” ha scritto recentemente Pietro Gibellini “che Mario dell'Arco entra nello scelto manipolo dei poeti della letteratura italiana senza aggettivi, e senza limitazioni di tempo”. Il Catalogo della Mostra Roma di Mario dell'Arco: poesia & architettura si affianca alla...
Cover of Patrick Chamoiseau et la mer des récits
by Delphine Rumeau, Guy Larroux, Pierre Soubias
Language: French
Release Date: January 18, 2018

L’œuvre de Patrick Chamoiseau, « auteur-carrefour » majeur au sein du vaste ensemble des littératures postcoloniales, appelait un point substantiel sur la recherche qui lui est aujourd’hui consacrée. Vingt chercheurs d’Europe, d’Afrique et des Amériques montrent comment une oeuvre multiforme...
Cover of Fosa común
by Miguel Marcotrigiano
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 16, 2015

La poesía siempre alcanza sus cumbres más altas cuando escruta, en inclemente merodeo, su propia gestión; su vida misma. Nada más inestimable para la comprensión y nada más impostergable para la afectividad que la poesía haciendo poesía de la poesía o concibiendo la poesía de unos tratando...
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