Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of Birbal Sahni
by M. Jayarama Adiga
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2012

A great scientist who lived only for knowledge. He declined high posts. He was a genius who shone in several spheres. He was a great teacher and a great man.
Cover of Lettre sur la tolérance
by John Locke, Jean Le Clerc
Language: French
Release Date: August 19, 2014

Monsieur, Puisque vous jugez à propos de me demander quelle est mon opinion sur la tolérance que les différentes sectes des chrétiens doivent avoir les unes pour les autres, je vous répondrai franchement qu'elle est, à mon avis, le principal caractère...
Cover of Der Prediger

Der Prediger

Meinen wahren Namen kann ich nicht nennen ...

by anonym
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2015

DER PREDIGER darf seinen Namen nicht nennen, sonst ist seine Familie erledigt. Kaum einer kennt seine wahre Identität. Denn er hat gemordet - und heute ist er evangelischer Seelsorger. Seine erste Frau stieß er von einer Klippe. Man schnappt ihn, er wird zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt, 17 Jahre...
Cover of Jacques Ranciere

Jacques Ranciere

dalla rottura con Althusser alle scene dell'emancipazione

by Giovanni Campailla
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 23, 2014

Jacques Rancière è un pensatore importante nel panorama della filosofia emancipatrice contemporanea. Il libro tratta del suo itinerario teorico e politico, a partire dal contributo per Leggere il Capitale, passando per il Maggio '68, il maoismo, le ricerche negli archivi operai del XIX secolo, le...
Cover of Marseille, porte du Sud
by Albert Londres
Language: French
Release Date: April 26, 2015

C’est un port, l’un des plus beaux du bord des eaux. Il est illustre sur tous les parallèles. À tout instant du jour et de la nuit, des bateaux labourent pour lui au plus loin des mers. Il est l’un des grands seigneurs du large. Phare français, il balaye de sa lumière les cinq parties de la terre. Il s’appelle le port de Marseille.  
Cover of Price jednog alkemicara

Price jednog alkemicara

33 priče o neobičnom djetinjstvu osnivača Damanhura

by Oberto Airaudi
Language: Croatian
Release Date: June 25, 2012

Ovo je knjiga alkemije prikladna za djecu i za odrasle.Moje price su ispricane onako kako sam ih se “slucajno” ili sinkronijski sjetio, u razlicitim trenucima, bez ocitog preciznog reda. Možda ce nekima pomoci da se sjete vlastitih “cudnih” dogadaja, kasnije zaboravljenih. Nije važno smatrate...
Cover of A Life in the Academy
by Robert Paul Wolff
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2013

A delightful journey that takes the author from his second year of life to his seventy-fourth.  Along the way, Wolff gives us an inside look at Harvard, the University of Chicago, Columbia, the University of Massachusetts, and a variety of other institutions of higher learning in the United...
Cover of Essays of Schopenhauer
by Arthur Schopenhauer
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

When Schopenhauer was asked where he wished to be buried, he answered, "Anywhere; they will find me;" and the stone that marks his grave at Frankfort bears merely the inscription "Arthur Schopenhauer," without even the date of his birth or death. Schopenhauer,...
Cover of Ensaios de Ralph Waldo Emerson - Poesia e imaginação
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 13, 2016

Poesia e imaginação é um ensaio de Ralph Waldo Emerson. Trata-se de um texto rico, dotado de filosofia, poesia e aprendizado. O Autor nos apresenta textos preciosos de autores como: Goethe, Keats, Lord Byron, Platão, Shakespeare, entre outros poetas e romancistas clássicos. Em uma abordagem que...
Cover of Макиавелли
by Жан-Ив Борьо
Language: Russian
Release Date: October 27, 2016

Макиавелли как исторический персонаж – фигура парадоксальная, и первый из парадоксов – в явном несоответствии между его политическим статусом и всемирной славой:...
Cover of A Cloud in the Sky

A Cloud in the Sky

Life's Greatest Lessons and Regrets

by Jake Newfield
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2015

Maybe it was a professor, a friend or an uncle. A mentor who understood you and guided you to understand your own life. For Jake Newfield that person was Kal, his Grandfather. Perhaps you, like Jake, lost track of life’s meaning as you progressed in your career and developed as an adult. Perhaps you...
Cover of Vidas investigadas

Vidas investigadas

De Sócrates a Nietzsche

by James Miller
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Qual a relação entre a vida e a obra de um grande filósofo? Em Vidas investigadas – de Sócrates a Nietzsche, o norte-americano James Miller encara esta questão espinhosa à própria filosofia, contextualizando as ideias de 12 grandes pensadores num texto rico em detalhes e acessível a todos...
Cover of Etalonnons nos entreprises
Language: French
Release Date: March 24, 2017

Cette plaquette est la conclusion d'une recherche sur les huit structures fondamentales en toutes activités humaines comme exposé dans le livre "Economies et Monnaies structurelles C'est un modèle condensé, a priori imaginaire, de quatre monnaies définies ci-après, et dont le développement...
Cover of Great saints of India
by Harry Krishna
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2012

This is the third part of the three part series which include the following: Part III Ramanujacharya Madhwacharya Shankaracharya Swami Vivekananda Bhakta Tukaram
First 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 Last
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