Lutheran category: 218 books

Cover of Mensch Martinus

Mensch Martinus

Warum uns Luther zu Herzen geht

by Uwe Birnstein
Language: German
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Er war ein Sturkopf und sensibler Seelsorger, ein sorgender Familienvater und treuer Freund, ein Mann, der zu seinen Ängsten wie zu seinem Glauben stand. Uwe Birnstein stellt die menschlichen Seiten Luthers vor, das, was uns anrührt, nicht kitschig, aber menschelnd. Mit vielen Anekdoten und Alltagsgeschichten...
Cover of Catechetical Evangelism in the Newspaper
by T. R. Halvorson
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2017

Evangelism springs from Luther’s Small Catechism into the newspaper. This book shares from the author’s experiences in writing religion articles published in his local newspaper. It presents ideas about the Catechism and evangelism, and about newspaper evangelism. It explains an approach to writing...
Cover of Bíblia Sagrada com reflexões de Lutero

Bíblia Sagrada com reflexões de Lutero

Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje

by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, Martinho Lutero, Comissão Interluterana de Literatura
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 25, 2016

Esta edição da Bíblia Sagrada contém cerca de 900 reflexões de Martinho Lutero selecionadas por estudiosos especialistas no vasto acervo de escritos deixados pelo teólogo que, há alguns anos, estão sendo traduzidos e disponibilizados também em língua Portuguêsa. A obra está voltada mais...
Cover of Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 12

Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 12

Interpretação do Antigo Testamento - Textos Selecionados da Preleção sobre Gênesis

by Martinho Lutero
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 20, 2017

A Preleção sobre Gênesis (1535-1545), trabalho de relevo no período de maturidade existencial, teológica e docente do reformador, ocupa integralmente as páginas do presente volume de "Martinho Lutero – Obras Selecionadas". Monumental, tanto do ponto de vista do conteúdo, como também...
Cover of Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 10

Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 10

Interpretação do Novo Testamento - Tito e Gálatas

by Martinho Lutero
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 27, 2017

Ao entregarmos aos leitores de fala portuguesa este volume, fazemos votos de que Lutero fique melhor conhecido entre nosso povo e que sua causa se torne bem evidente: "Que toda língua confesse que Jesus Cristo é Senhor, para glória de Deus Pai." Comentário da Epístola aos Gálatas precisa...
Cover of Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 11

Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 11

Interpretação do Novo Testamento - João 14-16, 1 João

by Martinho Lutero
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 20, 2017

A interpretação dos capítulos 14 e 16 de S. João tem por objetivo trazer a mensagem bíblica para a situação concreta da comunidade, para esclarecer as consciências, consolá-las e formá-las. O autor enaltece o evangelista porque este, mais do que outros evangelistas, trata de como a pessoa...
Cover of Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 13

Martinho Lutero - Obras Selecionadas Vol. 13

Interpretação do Antigo Testamento - Deuterônomio - Isaías - Ezequiel - Jonas - Habacuque

by Martinho Lutero
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Em 1522, logo após finalizar a tradução e a edição do Novo Testamento em língua alemã, Lutero começou a traduzir o Antigo Testamento. Doze anos depois sua tradução completa da Bíblia seria publicada pela primeira vez. Os comentários de livros inteiros e passagens do Antigo Testamento traduzidos...
Cover of The Pietist Option

The Pietist Option

Hope for the Renewal of Christianity

by Christopher Gehrz, Mark Pattie III
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2017

Historian Mark Noll has written that historic Pietism "breathed a badly needed vitality" into post-Reformation Europe. Now the time has come for Pietism to revitalize Christianity in post-Christendom America. In The Pietist Option, Christopher Gehrz, a historian of Pietism, and Mark Pattie,...
Cover of Freedom Of The Heart
by Volker Schunck
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

How can one live today? How can one live in a society that is in a digital flush, and in which its people have become disoriented? In a time where everyone thinks only of himself, and it has become suspicious to speak of "values" which one still searches for so desperately. The picture- and information-flood...
Cover of Martin Luther and the Called Life
by Mark D. Tranvik
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2016

One of the hallmarks of Luther’s theology was its concern for daily life. In the midst of debates about justification and salvation, church authority, and the Lord’s Supper, he bore a deep concern for daily Christian life. In this refreshing book, Mark D. Tranvik looks at the importance...
Cover of Luther für Eilige

Luther für Eilige

Seine wichtigsten Werke kurz & knackig

by Fabian Vogt
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Martin Luther hat die Reformation vor allem mit seinen mitreißenden und klugen Schriften ausgelöst. Aber was steht da eigentlich drin? Fabian Vogt fasst die wichtigsten reformatorischen Texte zusammen – von den „95 Thesen“ über die „Freiheit eines Christenmenschen“ bis zur Rede auf dem Reichstag zu Worms. Kurz und knackig, informativ und dabei höchst unterhaltsam.
Cover of Die Zehn Gebote für Neugierige

Die Zehn Gebote für Neugierige

Das kleine Handbuch kluger Entscheidungen

by Fabian Vogt
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2019

»Die Zehn Gebote« kennt fast jeder. Aber wie war das noch mal genau mit dem Propheten Mose, der diese »Gebrauchsanleitung fürs Leben« angeblich von Gott bekam? Ist sie wirklich in Stein gemeißelt? Geht es dabei vor allem um himmlische Vorschriften oder eher um faszinierende AnGebote für ein...
Cover of The Smalcald Articles (Illustrated Edition)
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2012

Martin Luther (1483-1546) needs no formal introduction, being one of the most recognizable religious figures in history. Luther was a German priest and theologian whose writings and teachings sparked the Protestant Reformation. Born shortly after the invention of the printing press, Luther became one...
Cover of Luther denken

Luther denken

Die Reformation im Werk Jenaer Gelehrter

Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Die Universität Jena galt lange Zeit als Hort des wahren Luthertums und Rezeptionsort Luthers und der Reformation. Vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart fragten Jenaer Theologen und Kirchenvertreter sowie Gelehrte anderer Disziplinen immer wieder nach dem Erbe der Reformation für die protestantische...
First 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516
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