Democracy category: 2250 books

Cover of E-Governance and Social Inclusion
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2014

The application of e-government technologies has led to increased public participation and social inclusion, while allowing for greater government transparency. These technologies provide accessibility to online content and services while offering the public an active voice in governmental issues. E-Governance...
Cover of The Administrative Threat
by Philip Hamburger
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Government agencies regulate Americans in the full range of their lives, including their political participation, their economic endeavors, and their personal conduct. Administrative power has thus become pervasively intrusive. But is this power constitutional? A similar sort of power was once...
Cover of The Mixed Member Proportional System: Providing Greater Representation for Women?
by Tracy-Ann Johnson-Myers
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2016

This Brief discusses the adoption of the mixed member proportional (MMP) electoral system in New Zealand and its subsequent effect on representation for women. Concerns about the homogeneity of the legislature under the Single Member Plurality electoral system and the need for increased representativeness...
Cover of The American Voter: Stupid and Ignorant
by Walt Kienia
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2015

For far too may Americans, stumbling through life is such a chore that many are fortunate that breathing is involuntary. Far too many make life moves and choices based on the skimpiest of logic, relying, instead, on stupidity and ignorance to guide the way. There is no immunity from this stupidity...
Cover of The American Political Pattern

The American Political Pattern

Stability and Change, 1932-2016

by Byron E. Shafer
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

Politicians are polarized. Public opinion is volatile. Government is gridlocked. Or so journalists and pundits constantly report. But where are we, really, in modern American politics, and how did we get there? Those are the questions that Byron E. Shafer aims to answer in The American Political Pattern....
Cover of A Short History of the United States

A Short History of the United States

From the Arrival of Native American Tribes to the Obama Presidency

by Robert V. Remini
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

In A Short History of the United States, National Book Award winner Robert V. Remini offers a much-needed, concise history of our country. This accessible and lively volume contains the essential facts about the discovery, settlement, growth, and development of the American nation and its institutions,...
Cover of 記憶與遺忘的鬥爭:臺灣轉型正義階段報告(三冊套書)
by 臺灣民間真相與和解促進會
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 21, 2015

一九八七年解嚴後,臺灣第一份轉型正義階段報告。   米蘭.昆德拉:「人類對抗權力的鬥爭,就是記憶與遺忘的鬥爭。」   每一個社會終須總結過去的經驗和創傷,將歷史翻至新的一頁。   面對官方的付諸闕如,這是臺灣民間真相與和解促進會試圖提出的反省報告。 **  卷一 清理威權遺緒**   假設我是太陽   我要將光明的線條製做萬束   神聖的金箭   送給在黑暗中   掙扎前進的民主鬥士   〈假設的數學涵意〉曹開   一九四七年,臺灣在二戰結束、政權轉換之際,發生了二二八事件。隨後超過三十八年的戒嚴統治,臺灣處在至今仍難得知具體受難人數的白色恐怖時期。當代的我們,正如同八○年代後,全世界八十個從威權獨裁轉型為民主政體的國家一樣,共同面對國家在民主「轉型」之後,必須接續的「正義」工程。   一個社會在民主化之後,如何面對過去威權政治所留下的遺產?這是許多新興民主國家陷入的轉型正義情境糾葛。這個階段的轉型正義已不同於二戰後戰勝國對戰敗國的審判,以法治與普世價值審判加害者。大多數新民主國家的轉型正義工作,因國內的政治情勢,不得不為了和平、民主鞏固及社會和解,而使正義原則有所妥協。這個階段的轉型正義追求的比較不是「正義」,而是「真相」。   卷一正是從以上的脈絡,探討轉型正義為何是世界性的現象,以及各國轉型正義的比較,同時也初步檢視,臺灣面臨戰後二二八與白色恐怖的兩大國家暴力事件,要如何進入當代轉型正義的三個挑戰:處置加害者、賠償受害者以及歷史記憶的保存。 **  卷二 記憶歷史傷痕**   安息在故鄉山河的懷裡   我們將從此不再分離 ...
Cover of 百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事 卷三 民主的浪潮
by 胡慧玲
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 9, 2013

一八九五  到  一九八六 這是一份臺灣的民主履歷 三個世代追尋的民主之花   從一八九五年成為日本殖民地到一九八六年民進黨成立,臺灣用不到百年的時間,跨越了民主的門檻,擁有合法反對黨的存在和公平競爭的選舉。這是民主轉型最核心的關鍵。   臺灣第一波民主運動發生於日本殖民統治之下。這一波民主運動是臺灣人追求現代性的起步,臺灣人透過殖民者,睜開了眼睛,認識了世界。隨著殖民者戰敗,臺灣第一波以啟蒙為主的民主運動也宣告結束,且在政權轉換的階段中,發生了二二八事件。   國府來臺後的獨裁統治,開啟了第二波民主運動。初期以外省籍自由主義知識分子為中心,透過《自由中國》雜誌對威權獨裁提出言論挑戰,後來更與本土菁英合作企圖成立反對黨。這次的匯流最後因遭整肅宣告失敗。   然而隨著戰後世代的成長,第三波民主運動很快到來。不同於上一波民主運動,全面性的整肅和處罰未能讓民主運動消逝,反而讓獨裁政權失去正當性。更多人的參與讓民主運動更為茁壯,而人民的支持也更熱烈。當強力壓制無效,獨裁政權只有讓步。結局是,臺灣人終於獲得將近一百年的追求:民主、平等、自主、和尊嚴。   為什麼要述說臺灣民主運動的故事?和其他民族相較,臺灣的民主運動並不特別壯烈,不特別曲折,也不特別艱難。不過這卻是我們自己的故事,讓我們得以面對過去,明瞭歷史並非必然,也得以在面對未來時不致失去信心。 **  卷三...
Cover of 百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事 卷二 自由的挫敗
by 吳乃德
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 9, 2013

一八九五  到  一九八六 這是一份臺灣的民主履歷 三個世代追尋的民主之花   從一八九五年成為日本殖民地到一九八六年民進黨成立,臺灣用不到百年的時間,跨越了民主的門檻,擁有合法反對黨的存在和公平競爭的選舉。這是民主轉型最核心的關鍵。   臺灣第一波民主運動發生於日本殖民統治之下。這一波民主運動是臺灣人追求現代性的起步,臺灣人透過殖民者,睜開了眼睛,認識了世界。隨著殖民者戰敗,臺灣第一波以啟蒙為主的民主運動也宣告結束,且在政權轉換的階段中,發生了二二八事件。   國府來臺後的獨裁統治,開啟了第二波民主運動。初期以外省籍自由主義知識分子為中心,透過《自由中國》雜誌對威權獨裁提出言論挑戰,後來更與本土菁英合作企圖成立反對黨。這次的匯流最後因遭整肅宣告失敗。   然而隨著戰後世代的成長,第三波民主運動很快到來。不同於上一波民主運動,全面性的整肅和處罰未能讓民主運動消逝,反而讓獨裁政權失去正當性。更多人的參與讓民主運動更為茁壯,而人民的支持也更熱烈。當強力壓制無效,獨裁政權只有讓步。結局是,臺灣人終於獲得將近一百年的追求:民主、平等、自主、和尊嚴。   為什麼要述說臺灣民主運動的故事?和其他民族相較,臺灣的民主運動並不特別壯烈,不特別曲折,也不特別艱難。不過這卻是我們自己的故事,讓我們得以面對過去,明瞭歷史並非必然,也得以在面對未來時不致失去信心。 **  卷二...
Cover of 百年追求:臺灣民主運動的故事 卷一 自治的夢想
by 陳翠蓮
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 9, 2013

一八九五  到  一九八六 這是一份臺灣的民主履歷 三個世代追尋的民主之花   從一八九五年成為日本殖民地到一九八六年民進黨成立,臺灣用不到百年的時間,跨越了民主的門檻,擁有合法反對黨的存在和公平競爭的選舉。這是民主轉型最核心的關鍵。   臺灣第一波民主運動發生於日本殖民統治之下。這一波民主運動是臺灣人追求現代性的起步,臺灣人透過殖民者,睜開了眼睛,認識了世界。隨著殖民者戰敗,臺灣第一波以啟蒙為主的民主運動也宣告結束,且在政權轉換的階段中,發生了二二八事件。   國府來臺後的獨裁統治,開啟了第二波民主運動。初期以外省籍自由主義知識分子為中心,透過《自由中國》雜誌對威權獨裁提出言論挑戰,後來更與本土菁英合作企圖成立反對黨。這次的匯流最後因遭整肅宣告失敗。   然而隨著戰後世代的成長,第三波民主運動很快到來。不同於上一波民主運動,全面性的整肅和處罰未能讓民主運動消逝,反而讓獨裁政權失去正當性。更多人的參與讓民主運動更為茁壯,而人民的支持也更熱烈。當強力壓制無效,獨裁政權只有讓步。結局是,臺灣人終於獲得將近一百年的追求:民主、平等、自主、和尊嚴。   為什麼要述說臺灣民主運動的故事?和其他民族相較,臺灣的民主運動並不特別壯烈,不特別曲折,也不特別艱難。不過這卻是我們自己的故事,讓我們得以面對過去,明瞭歷史並非必然,也得以在面對未來時不致失去信心。 **  卷一 ...
Cover of Greedy Bastards

Greedy Bastards

How We Can Stop Corporate Communists, Banksters, and Other Vampires from Sucking America Dry

by Dylan Ratigan
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2012

The host of the eponymous MSNBC show, Dylan Ratigan offers a bold and original post-partisan program to resuscitate the American Dream. At a time of deep concern with the state of America’s economy and government, it seems that all the media can give us is talking (or screaming) heads who...
Cover of Breaking Through Power

Breaking Through Power

It's Easier Than We Think

by Ralph Nader
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2016

The intention of this book is to crystalize Ralph Nader's core message and package it as a Thomas Paine wake up call--passionate, accessible, well-argued, story driven, and rooted in core American principles. This title is an original work, rather than a collection of articles. Nader's...
Cover of How the Democrats Can Win by Leading America to a Better Future in 2010 and Beyond

How the Democrats Can Win by Leading America to a Better Future in 2010 and Beyond

An Update to The Audacity to Win (A Penguin Group eSpecial from Penguin Books)

by David Plouffe
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2010

Since David Plouffe helped design the plan that brought candidate Obama to the White House, the lessons of that plan have become only more relevant. Today, conservative forces led by figures like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck threaten to derail the tremendous promise of Democrats’ recent gains, making...
Cover of How The Republican Party Can Win Back The Democrats
by Ellis Paine
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2016

Most Republicans think there's no way to woo a Democrat over to their side of the fence. In reality, there are several ways and some of them might just not be too bad. Of course, there will need to be some relaxing of partisanship and gridlock along the way, but isn't that how we designed government to work?
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