Carlo: 1308 books

Book cover of Viaggio a Maria
by Carlo Maria Ossola
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 23, 2016

Un piccolo itinerario concepito come un memoriale, nell’anno giubilare della Misericordia, del lungo percorso che la Vergine ha compiuto nelle lettere e nella pietà dell’Occidente. Nessun altro “simbolo” ha legato nei secoli l’anelito umano di elevarsi «in piú spirabil aere» e il quotidiano...
Book cover of Gerusalemme


Dove tutti siamo nati

by Giuseppe Caffulli, Carlo Giorgi, Moni Ovadia
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 7, 2016

Oggi il Medio Oriente è distrutto dall’indifferenza verso la dignità dell’uomo, i suoi diritti e la sua libertà. Il germe del fondamentalismo cancella la cura verso il fratello e bestemmia Dio in nome di un’ideologia. Altra strada non ci può essere, per evitare il baratro, se non quella...
Book cover of La congiura dei potenti
by Carlo A. Martigli
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 28, 2014

«Se in Italia c'è un filone letterario che dal giallo sconfina nell'esoterico, Martigli ne è senz'altro uno dei protagonisti più apprezzabili.»Corriere della Sera«Martigli dimostra di saper gestire con destrezza la ricostruzione storica di un periodo in cui i giochi di potere porteranno alla costruzione...
Book cover of Pinocchio
by Carlo Collodi
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Diese Version des Kinderbuch-Klassikers beinhaltet neben einer Überarbeitung der Originalversion über 70 Illustrationen der italienischen Originalausgabe von 1883. Eines Tages findet Tischlermeister Kirsche ein Holzscheit, das zu sprechen anfängt, als er es bearbeiten will. Da ihm die Sache nicht...
Book cover of La legione straniera
by Gian Carlo Fusco
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 30, 2012

Una rievocazione del mito della Legione straniera ricca di aneddoti e ritratti, di episodi curiosi e paradossi viventi. Una pagina di storia rivisitata dal seducente stile narrativo di Fusco.
Book cover of I forzati della strada hanno fame!

I forzati della strada hanno fame!

Alimentazione e dieta nel ciclismo eroico

by Mario Cionfoli and Carlo Delfino
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Come mangiavano i pionieri del ciclismo, i “forzati della strada”? Cento anni fa non si parlava di alimentazione ma di come togliersi la fame, di come riuscire a sopportare il tormento di ore e ore in bicicletta, di come trovare per strada qualcosa da mettere sotto i denti. Di esperienza in esperienza, di aneddoto in aneddoto, di certezza scientifica.
Book cover of Mathematical Finance: Theory Review and Exercises

Mathematical Finance: Theory Review and Exercises

From Binomial Model to Risk Measures

by Emanuela Rosazza Gianin, Carlo Sgarra
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2014

The book collects over 120 exercises on different subjects of Mathematical Finance, including Option Pricing, Risk Theory, and Interest Rate Models. Many of the exercises are solved, while others are only proposed. Every chapter contains an introductory section illustrating the main theoretical results...
Book cover of Exchange Rate Analysis in Support of IMF Surveillance: A Collection of Empirical Studies
by Charalambos Mr. Tsangarides, Carlo Mr. Cottarelli, Gian-Maria Mr. Milesi-Ferretti
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2008

Exchange rate analysis lies at the center of the IMF's surveillance mandate and policy advice, as well as in the design of IMF-supported programs, and IMF staff are called upon to analyze a wide variety of exchange rate issues in various member countries, both small and large, from the least economically...
Book cover of Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks
by Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Claro Noda
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2013

This book provides a comprehensive survey on related work for radio link quality estimation, which covers the characteristics of low-power links, the fundamental concepts of link quality estimation in wireless sensor networks, a taxonomy of existing link quality estimators and their performance analysis....
Book cover of Maßnahmen finanzieller Restrukturierung

Maßnahmen finanzieller Restrukturierung

Rahmenbedingungen, Bewertung und Ausgestaltung am Beispiel von Debt Equity Swaps

by Carlo Dirschedl
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind Debt Equity Swaps, bei denen gegen die schuldnerische Gesellschaft gerichtete Forderungen in Eigenkapital gewandelt werden sollen. Die Bewertung der einzulegenden Forderungen wird durch den Gesetzgeber nicht abschließend geklärt. Nach einer rechtlichen Grundlegung...
Book cover of Appalti e trasparenza nella normativa anticorruzione
by Carlo Sanna, Mattia Pani, Alessandra Braglia
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 30, 2014

8° ebook della collana editoriale edita Cesda srl “Pratica Giuridica dei Contratti Pubblici” diretta dagli avvocati Carmelo Giurdanella ed Elio Guarnaccia. Il volume analizza la disciplina degli appalti e della trasparenza nella normativa in materia di anticorruzione, a seguito delle novità...
Book cover of Economics and Diversity
by Carlo D'Ippoliti
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2011

The bulk of contemporary economics assumes rather than explains differences between people or groups of people. Yet, many of these differences are produced by society or they imply differing opportunities and outcomes. This book argues that economists should concern themselves with the explanation...
Book cover of Discrete Calculus

Discrete Calculus

Methods for Counting

by Carlo Mariconda, Alberto Tonolo
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

This book provides an introduction to combinatorics, finite calculus, formal series, recurrences, and approximations of sums. Readers will find not only coverage of the basic elements of the subjects but also deep insights into a range of less common topics rarely considered within a single book,...
Book cover of Credibility Without Rules
by Carlo Mr. Cottarelli, Curzio Giannini
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 1997

During the last 25 years, monetary practice in most countries has increasingly been characterized by the attempt to achieve credibility of purpose while expanding the freedom of monetary authorities in controlling policy instruments. Thus, the world has moved toward monetary frameworks in which, through...
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