Administrative Law Regulatory Practice category: 861 books

Cover of L'opposizione alle sanzioni amministrative
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 5, 2016

Il volume esamina l’intero sistema, sul piano normativo, giurisprudenziale e dottrinale, delle sanzioni amministrative e della disciplina riguardante il relativo regime oppositivo sia con riferimento alla tutela degli utenti in sede amministrativa che in relazione all’esperimento dei rimedi attinenti...
Cover of The Constitution of European Democracy
by Dieter Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2017

Europe is in crisis. With rising unrest among citizens of EU member states exemplified by the UK's decision to leave the EU, and the growing popularity of anti-EU political parties, Dieter Grimm presents the argument that Europe has to change its method of further integration or risks failure. This...
Cover of Rights Affecting the Manufacture and Use of Gramophone Records
by W. Mak
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

When dealing, as in this study, with gramophone records, we almost unconsciously think of music. For the number of gramophone records in which music, either vocal or instrumental, does not playa part is quite small. Hence we shall concern our­ selves principally with musical records. 1. Music may...
Cover of Where's The EQ?

Where's The EQ?

Race And Policing Up Close

by B. Bernard Ferguson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2016

Countless deaths of African Americans at the hands of police officers have sparked national debate surrounding the legitimacy of these killings and the current state of race relations in America. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) anchors this book and is used in assessing several of these types of encounters...
Cover of Who is to Judge?

Who is to Judge?

The Perennial Debate Over Whether to Elect or Appoint America's Judges

by Charles Gardner Geyh
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2019

An elected judiciary is virtually unique to the American experience and creates a paradox in a representative democracy. Elected judges take an oath to uphold the law impartially, which calls upon them to swear off the influence of the very constituencies they must cultivate in order to attain and...
Cover of Contraceptive Risk

Contraceptive Risk

The FDA, Depo-Provera, and the Politics of Experimental Medicine

by William Green
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

The story of Depo-Provera joins the national struggle over the drug's FDA approval to the state legal issues raised by its contraceptive and criminal justice uses. Depo-Provera is known as an injectable hormonal birth control method, but few are familiar with its dark and complicated history....
Cover of Accesso alla giustizia come politica pubblica
by Juan Sebastián De Stéfano
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 16, 2014

A partire dalla crisi di legittimità che si verificò in Argentina nel 2000, si è generata la consapevolezza della necessità di apportare modifiche nel rapporto tra lo Stato e le persone, con l'idea di ripensare certe pratiche e i procedimenti; nel caso specifico la magistratura. Così, con la...
Cover of Religious Charter Schools

Religious Charter Schools

Legalities and Practicalities

by Lawrence D. Weinberg
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2007

This book explores the constitutionality of religionbased charter schools. The method of analysis uses hypothetical charter schools to answer legal questions. The answers are grounded in law using the latest precedent. The background material before examining charters sets forth both the legal and policy...
Cover of Democracy and Constitutionalism in India

Democracy and Constitutionalism in India

A Study of the Basic Structure Doctrine

by Sudhir Krishnaswamy
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2010

The basic strucure doctrine articulated by the Indian Supreme Court in 1973 made it amply clear that the basic features of the Constitution must remain inviolable. The doctrine has generatd serious debates ever since as it placed substantive and procedural limits on the amending powers of the Execuive....
Cover of Praxiskommentar Transparenzgesetz (LTranspG RLP)

Praxiskommentar Transparenzgesetz (LTranspG RLP)

Grundlagen des LTranspG und das Verhältnis zum Informations- und Datenschutzrecht

Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Der Praxiskommentar stellt kompakt und lösungsorientiert die Vorschriften des Landestransparenzgesetzes und der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Literatur zur Transparenz als Säule des Open Government zusammen. Ausgewählte Bereiche, wie die Zwecke von Transparenz oder die Schranken des Informationszugangs,...
Cover of 40 Funzionari Amministrativi Scolastici - Le norme anticorruzione, gli obblighi di trasparenza e pubblicità
by A. Coen
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Manuale per la preparazione al concorso pubblico per 40 Funzionari Amministrativi Scolastici indetto dalla Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Del. 322 del 3 marzo 2017). Tutta la normativa sulla prevenzione e la repressione della corruzione nella pubblica amministrazione (Legge 190 del 2012) e sugli obblighi...
Cover of Privatising Public Prisons

Privatising Public Prisons

Labour Law and the Public Procurement Process

by Amy Ludlow
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2015

Successive UK governments have pursued ambitious programmes of private sector competition in public services that they promise will deliver cheaper, higher quality services, but not at the expense of public sector workers. The public procurement rules (most significantly Directive 2004/18/EC) often...
Cover of Il rispetto del principio di pari opportunità

Il rispetto del principio di pari opportunità

L’annullamento della composizione delle giunte regionali e degli enti locali

by Francesca Ragno
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2013

Recenti cronache politiche e giurisprudenziali hanno portato all’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica la scarsa presenza delle donne negli organi di governo di province, comuni e regioni: diversi pronunciamenti dei tribunali amministrativi hanno annullato le composizioni di quelle giunte che non...
Cover of Libertà negoziale e vincoli finanziari

Libertà negoziale e vincoli finanziari

La contrattazione decentrata dei Comuni al vaglio dei Servizi Ispettivi di Finanza Pubblica

by Anna Palazzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 3, 2014

Il caso dello scatto di anzianità recuperato ai professori della scuola pubblica ha fatto insorgere opinionisti e politici, a difesa di quelli che sono stati chiamati "diritti restituiti", e un decreto del Governo (D.L. n. 3/2014) ha risolto l'imbarazzante vicenda. E' invece sconosciuto...
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