In this sequel to Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s First Chance, follow Tommy Carson and Eric Soderlund in a series of adventures during the springtime in northern Wisconsin, by the shores of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world. The story takes place in the early nineteen hundreds, before television, radio, electricity (at least in rural areas), and other modern conveniences. The main way of travel was by horse and wagon. In Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s First Chance, Tommy lived in abject poverty, with a man who claimed to be his father, and who treated him harshly. Tommy had to scrounge for food and firewood. He eventually ended up being left with Ted and Margaret Carson by his “father”, who went off to Chicago to find his fortune. Tommy’s life with Ted and Margaret was fantastic. They were a Christian couple with three young children of their own--Timmy and Tyler, who were six years old, and Elizabeth, who was four years old. Pastor Vic (P.V.) also lived as a boarder with Ted and Margaret. He was a young man just out of seminary and was the pastor at the Port Falls Community Church, which Ted and Margaret attended. Tommy also met Eric when he was living with Ted and Margaret. Eric was their neighbor and lived with his mother, Evelyn. Eric’s dad had died over a year previously and life was hard for Eric and Evelyn after that. They eventually moved in with Ted and Margaret as well, after Evelyn became ill with pneumonia. Tommy and Eric had a series of adventures, including train rides, being kidnapped, rescue attempts, horse rides, a blizzard, thin ice, and more. In Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s Second Chance, Tommy is in the process of being adopted by Ted and Margaret, and life is good. However, there is a mysterious stranger following Tommy, and it looks like the stranger may be intending to take him. The boys, along with some of their friends, have another series of harrowing adventures, filled with danger and excitement. Is Tommy’s time with Ted and Margaret coming to an end? Will the stranger take and harm Tommy? How will the boys’ new lives with Ted and Margaret, and P.V. and Evelyn turn out? Will the boys (and adults) be safe in the midst of the endless hazardous situations they always seem to find themselves in?
In this sequel to Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s First Chance, follow Tommy Carson and Eric Soderlund in a series of adventures during the springtime in northern Wisconsin, by the shores of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world. The story takes place in the early nineteen hundreds, before television, radio, electricity (at least in rural areas), and other modern conveniences. The main way of travel was by horse and wagon. In Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s First Chance, Tommy lived in abject poverty, with a man who claimed to be his father, and who treated him harshly. Tommy had to scrounge for food and firewood. He eventually ended up being left with Ted and Margaret Carson by his “father”, who went off to Chicago to find his fortune. Tommy’s life with Ted and Margaret was fantastic. They were a Christian couple with three young children of their own--Timmy and Tyler, who were six years old, and Elizabeth, who was four years old. Pastor Vic (P.V.) also lived as a boarder with Ted and Margaret. He was a young man just out of seminary and was the pastor at the Port Falls Community Church, which Ted and Margaret attended. Tommy also met Eric when he was living with Ted and Margaret. Eric was their neighbor and lived with his mother, Evelyn. Eric’s dad had died over a year previously and life was hard for Eric and Evelyn after that. They eventually moved in with Ted and Margaret as well, after Evelyn became ill with pneumonia. Tommy and Eric had a series of adventures, including train rides, being kidnapped, rescue attempts, horse rides, a blizzard, thin ice, and more. In Young Boy Lost: Tommy’s Second Chance, Tommy is in the process of being adopted by Ted and Margaret, and life is good. However, there is a mysterious stranger following Tommy, and it looks like the stranger may be intending to take him. The boys, along with some of their friends, have another series of harrowing adventures, filled with danger and excitement. Is Tommy’s time with Ted and Margaret coming to an end? Will the stranger take and harm Tommy? How will the boys’ new lives with Ted and Margaret, and P.V. and Evelyn turn out? Will the boys (and adults) be safe in the midst of the endless hazardous situations they always seem to find themselves in?