The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are struggling to read. Each book has been carefully written for those with a reading age of approximately 7 to 8, but are packed full of adventure and brilliant illustrations to really grab the reader interest.
World Cup Chaos - Jack and Wanda become suspicious when the England football team starts to beat everyone. A gang of alien shape shifters has kidnapped the team. Can Jack and Wanda find the real team before its too late?
The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are struggling to read. Each book has been carefully written for those with a reading age of approximately 7 to 8, but are packed full of adventure and brilliant illustrations to really grab the reader interest.
World Cup Chaos - Jack and Wanda become suspicious when the England football team starts to beat everyone. A gang of alien shape shifters has kidnapped the team. Can Jack and Wanda find the real team before its too late?