This clever little volume was devised to provide hints on setting a modest but “well-ordered table” for the “young and inexperienced mistress of a household where a moderate income renders economy advisable.” Self-styled as a “Book of Rechauffes [warmed leftovers] together with many other approved receipts for the kitchen of a gentleman of moderate income,” this useful compilation includes recipes for dishes made from leftover fish and dressed fish, mutton, beef, veal, pork, poultry, and game, as well as economical recipes for soup, vegetable, sweets, pastry, cakes, preserves, liqueurs, pickles, and sauces. Miscellaneous thrifty methods for “keeping fish for several days," "keeping meat, game, or poultry in hot weather,” “removing taint from meat and poultry,” and many other household situations are also described.
This clever little volume was devised to provide hints on setting a modest but “well-ordered table” for the “young and inexperienced mistress of a household where a moderate income renders economy advisable.” Self-styled as a “Book of Rechauffes [warmed leftovers] together with many other approved receipts for the kitchen of a gentleman of moderate income,” this useful compilation includes recipes for dishes made from leftover fish and dressed fish, mutton, beef, veal, pork, poultry, and game, as well as economical recipes for soup, vegetable, sweets, pastry, cakes, preserves, liqueurs, pickles, and sauces. Miscellaneous thrifty methods for “keeping fish for several days," "keeping meat, game, or poultry in hot weather,” “removing taint from meat and poultry,” and many other household situations are also described.