Comedy, first published in 1922, by American dramatist Charles Stephen Brooks (1878-1934). The setting is the coast of Devon, England. The playwright explains: "Several weeks ago an actor-manager requested me to try my hand at a play for the winter season. The offer was unexpected. "My dear sir," I said, "I am immensely flattered, but I have never written a play." Then I hastened to ask, "What kind of play?" for fear the offer might be withdrawn. He replied with sureness and decision. "I want a play," he said, "with lots of pirates and--no poetry." He stressed this with emphatic gesture. "And at least one shooting," he added. It was a slim prescription. He left me to brood upon the matter. The proposal was too flattering to be rejected out of hand."
Comedy, first published in 1922, by American dramatist Charles Stephen Brooks (1878-1934). The setting is the coast of Devon, England. The playwright explains: "Several weeks ago an actor-manager requested me to try my hand at a play for the winter season. The offer was unexpected. "My dear sir," I said, "I am immensely flattered, but I have never written a play." Then I hastened to ask, "What kind of play?" for fear the offer might be withdrawn. He replied with sureness and decision. "I want a play," he said, "with lots of pirates and--no poetry." He stressed this with emphatic gesture. "And at least one shooting," he added. It was a slim prescription. He left me to brood upon the matter. The proposal was too flattering to be rejected out of hand."