With cash becoming a thing of the past, many companies are trying to appease such a new age phenomenon. These apps allow you to enjoy a night out with dinner and a show, with friends, without having a dime in your pocket. Venmo is one such app. It is a digital wallet that gives users the opportunity to send money from your bank account for free, to either pay bills or repay a friend by sending money back to their Venmo account. It came about in March 2009 as a system through which funds could be paid through text messages and is said to be safe for users, but has since been refined and is now very popular among the social class.
With cash becoming a thing of the past, many companies are trying to appease such a new age phenomenon. These apps allow you to enjoy a night out with dinner and a show, with friends, without having a dime in your pocket. Venmo is one such app. It is a digital wallet that gives users the opportunity to send money from your bank account for free, to either pay bills or repay a friend by sending money back to their Venmo account. It came about in March 2009 as a system through which funds could be paid through text messages and is said to be safe for users, but has since been refined and is now very popular among the social class.