Up-to-Date Business (1900), including lessons in banking, exchange, business, geography, finance, transportation, and commercial law
Business & Finance
Practical business advice, first published in 1900. The author starts with such basic definitions as this one: "A CHEQUE is an order for money, drawn by one who has funds in thebank. It is payable on demand. In reality, it is a "sight draft" on the bank. Banks provide blank cheques for their customers, and it is a very simple matter to fill them out properly. In writing in the amount begin at the extreme left of the line." While the business information would probably be of no practical use today, this work can serve as an introduction to business practices and terminology from that time, for the historian, the novelist, and the those who do historical research for pleasure.
Practical business advice, first published in 1900. The author starts with such basic definitions as this one: "A CHEQUE is an order for money, drawn by one who has funds in thebank. It is payable on demand. In reality, it is a "sight draft" on the bank. Banks provide blank cheques for their customers, and it is a very simple matter to fill them out properly. In writing in the amount begin at the extreme left of the line." While the business information would probably be of no practical use today, this work can serve as an introduction to business practices and terminology from that time, for the historian, the novelist, and the those who do historical research for pleasure.