The year is 1944 and everyone's life is deeply affected by the global conflict of World War II. Sarah Bowers finds herself spending her twelfth summer in the tiny town of Beaufort on the North Carolina coast. She is disappointed to be leaving her friends behind in her native city of Raleigh, and assumes her summer will be long and boring. Learning the art of fishing, sharing a secret hideaway, a cousin's wedding and weathering a horrific hurricane all conspire to make Sarah's summer anything but ordinary!
The year is 1944 and everyone's life is deeply affected by the global conflict of World War II. Sarah Bowers finds herself spending her twelfth summer in the tiny town of Beaufort on the North Carolina coast. She is disappointed to be leaving her friends behind in her native city of Raleigh, and assumes her summer will be long and boring. Learning the art of fishing, sharing a secret hideaway, a cousin's wedding and weathering a horrific hurricane all conspire to make Sarah's summer anything but ordinary!