Back in the day if you got a graduate degree in almost anything, you could get a decent job. Companies and organizations hired people with social science master’s degrees because they assumed they could think deep thoughts and express themselves clearly but the mystique of a person with a graduate degree is gone in modern-day society. The internet has made knowledge easily available. The illusion that people with graduate degrees are wise and intelligent is gone because so many people got doctorates who look, talk and act like flakes. I don’t respect graduate degrees anymore unless it’s in a highly technical field. If you got a Phd in sociology, I’m thinking another bullcrapper thinking they know something when if they really did, they’d know their degree and all that stuff they learned about that fake field called sociology is modern-day crap.
Back in the day if you got a graduate degree in almost anything, you could get a decent job. Companies and organizations hired people with social science master’s degrees because they assumed they could think deep thoughts and express themselves clearly but the mystique of a person with a graduate degree is gone in modern-day society. The internet has made knowledge easily available. The illusion that people with graduate degrees are wise and intelligent is gone because so many people got doctorates who look, talk and act like flakes. I don’t respect graduate degrees anymore unless it’s in a highly technical field. If you got a Phd in sociology, I’m thinking another bullcrapper thinking they know something when if they really did, they’d know their degree and all that stuff they learned about that fake field called sociology is modern-day crap.