After the destruction of their home planet, Sarnificus, Deke and his followers migrate to Earth where they find a politically charged planet in the midst of its own violent upheaval. Led by Deke, the Sarnifikans live secretly among us, studying our warlike behavior and using their advanced knowledge to prevent the disaster that happened on their planet from happening here. But can they? It seems Deke’s nemesis, Ali Khan, has brought his Sarnifikite followers to Earth, and has started working for a much darker purpose. Instead of preventing our eventual destruction, they work to hasten it. Can Deke, who later becomes a U.S. Marine, stop them? Can he save Earth? Check out The Warrior Among Us and discover our destiny.
After the destruction of their home planet, Sarnificus, Deke and his followers migrate to Earth where they find a politically charged planet in the midst of its own violent upheaval. Led by Deke, the Sarnifikans live secretly among us, studying our warlike behavior and using their advanced knowledge to prevent the disaster that happened on their planet from happening here. But can they? It seems Deke’s nemesis, Ali Khan, has brought his Sarnifikite followers to Earth, and has started working for a much darker purpose. Instead of preventing our eventual destruction, they work to hasten it. Can Deke, who later becomes a U.S. Marine, stop them? Can he save Earth? Check out The Warrior Among Us and discover our destiny.