"The Voting Booth After Dark: Despicable, Embarrassing, Repulsive" is a collection of short stories and poems interwoven into a gripping narrative that follows a group of gay & lesbian Latino club kids during the course of the 2008 presidential elections. As they plunge deep into the agonizing lows of anxiety and addiction, we see how they affect and are affected by the national politics happening around them. The book* is available for purchase online at numerous well-known and independent sites such as Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com, and GiovannisRoom.com. *92-page paperback or 76-page e-book
"The Voting Booth After Dark: Despicable, Embarrassing, Repulsive" is a collection of short stories and poems interwoven into a gripping narrative that follows a group of gay & lesbian Latino club kids during the course of the 2008 presidential elections. As they plunge deep into the agonizing lows of anxiety and addiction, we see how they affect and are affected by the national politics happening around them. The book* is available for purchase online at numerous well-known and independent sites such as Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com, and GiovannisRoom.com. *92-page paperback or 76-page e-book