The Treasure on Kennesaw Mountain tells the story of Jack, a young boy, moving from the corn fields of the Midwest to the heart of the south. He struggles with his new environment as he is befriended by a true southern bell, Mary Ellen. His adventure begins when he discovers a hidden letter from Archibald Howell, in his civil war area home, about a plot to steal the remaining confederate gold before the Yankees have a chance to seize it. Jack faces unlikely challenges and surprises as he follows the trail left over 150 years ago to the gold. Along the way Jack and his parents learn what is truly important.
The Treasure on Kennesaw Mountain tells the story of Jack, a young boy, moving from the corn fields of the Midwest to the heart of the south. He struggles with his new environment as he is befriended by a true southern bell, Mary Ellen. His adventure begins when he discovers a hidden letter from Archibald Howell, in his civil war area home, about a plot to steal the remaining confederate gold before the Yankees have a chance to seize it. Jack faces unlikely challenges and surprises as he follows the trail left over 150 years ago to the gold. Along the way Jack and his parents learn what is truly important.