Based on a true concept, Quantum Entanglement. The galaxy has evolved into a technocracy resulting in a utopian society. Quantum Entanglement disturbs dark matter and aliens come through the rift to annihilate humankind. We create a military regime to Battle the aliens. Will the aliens be defeated? Will the military regime surrender their rule back to the people when it’s over as promised, or will we have to fight to get it back?
Based on a true concept, Quantum Entanglement. The galaxy has evolved into a technocracy resulting in a utopian society. Quantum Entanglement disturbs dark matter and aliens come through the rift to annihilate humankind. We create a military regime to Battle the aliens. Will the aliens be defeated? Will the military regime surrender their rule back to the people when it’s over as promised, or will we have to fight to get it back?