Danielle Simpson, a troubled nineteen year old, is struggling to accept the fact that she was adopted, handed down to a middle-aged widow. But things are only about to get worse for her when she takes a fall in the Zars Nightclub late one night. Having drunk a lot of alcohol, Danielle is dazed, drowsy and confused. Unfortunately for her, that doesn't help when she encounters Nathan Cook, a seemingly pleasant taxi driver whose priority is to take her home. But Nathan has a mysterious past, far more violent and sinister beyond Danielle’s worst nightmares. And as she ventures further into her taxi journey, she comes closer and closer to discovering what darkened truth lies behind her driver’s charming eyes…
Danielle Simpson, a troubled nineteen year old, is struggling to accept the fact that she was adopted, handed down to a middle-aged widow. But things are only about to get worse for her when she takes a fall in the Zars Nightclub late one night. Having drunk a lot of alcohol, Danielle is dazed, drowsy and confused. Unfortunately for her, that doesn't help when she encounters Nathan Cook, a seemingly pleasant taxi driver whose priority is to take her home. But Nathan has a mysterious past, far more violent and sinister beyond Danielle’s worst nightmares. And as she ventures further into her taxi journey, she comes closer and closer to discovering what darkened truth lies behind her driver’s charming eyes…