"The Legend of Seal Beach" is about a young boy named Tommy with a disability who befriends a seal he names Stanley. He is approached by 3 bullies who pretend to push him off the pier when suddenly the boy loses his grip and Tommy and his wheelchair fall in to the sea. Stanley comes to Tommy's rescue and tries to pull tommy to safety through the crashing surf. The story deals with some tough, life issues such as disabilities, bullies and tragedy. The story touches on the life lesson about how good things can develop from bad circumstances.
"The Legend of Seal Beach" is about a young boy named Tommy with a disability who befriends a seal he names Stanley. He is approached by 3 bullies who pretend to push him off the pier when suddenly the boy loses his grip and Tommy and his wheelchair fall in to the sea. Stanley comes to Tommy's rescue and tries to pull tommy to safety through the crashing surf. The story deals with some tough, life issues such as disabilities, bullies and tragedy. The story touches on the life lesson about how good things can develop from bad circumstances.