This story based on my short-story, it follows around an alien sword called ‘Solien’. Three aliens arrive from their planet called “Alron” to China, where they chose a Chinese family to protect their King’s sword form their old nemesis "The Montra race" as it is not safe for them to keep it to themselves as their King has died. Everything went ugly as soon the aliens flew back to their planet, and an evil organization called "The Agency" comes after the alien super-sword.
This story based on my short-story, it follows around an alien sword called ‘Solien’. Three aliens arrive from their planet called “Alron” to China, where they chose a Chinese family to protect their King’s sword form their old nemesis "The Montra race" as it is not safe for them to keep it to themselves as their King has died. Everything went ugly as soon the aliens flew back to their planet, and an evil organization called "The Agency" comes after the alien super-sword.