Story one of the Guardians Series. A collection of stories following the events of a family that shape a kingdom, The Guardians series is a continuing look into the lives of true heroes. The Recipe, inherited instructions to a secret magic, is passed on and protected by each generation of Guardians. Guided by inner strength and the abilities invested through Essence magic, the Knights of Virtue struggle to maintain a fragile balance.Joe started writing stories at an early age, creating adventures for his pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons campaigns on a Commodore 64. He currently lives with his wife, Lori, and six-year old daughter, Ada Rose, in the perpetual summer that is central Arizona. He credits all of his work to the advent of air-conditioning.
Story one of the Guardians Series. A collection of stories following the events of a family that shape a kingdom, The Guardians series is a continuing look into the lives of true heroes. The Recipe, inherited instructions to a secret magic, is passed on and protected by each generation of Guardians. Guided by inner strength and the abilities invested through Essence magic, the Knights of Virtue struggle to maintain a fragile balance.Joe started writing stories at an early age, creating adventures for his pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons campaigns on a Commodore 64. He currently lives with his wife, Lori, and six-year old daughter, Ada Rose, in the perpetual summer that is central Arizona. He credits all of his work to the advent of air-conditioning.