“The Firefall” is the second installment of three eBooks that chronicles the exploration and human history of Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico from approximately 1985 to 2005. These two decades represent one of the most exciting and important chapters of original geographic exploration in our time as a vast realm of sublime beauty, which had lain hidden for countless centuries, was finally revealed. Universally acclaimed as the world’s most beautiful cave, the wonders and unique geological discoveries of Lechuguilla Cave provide a window into a part of our planet we know the least about. The climactic conclusion of "Elusive Majesty" leaves Lyle Moss at the top of the Aragonitemare climb on the threshold of a vast new cavernous realm yet to be explored. "The Firefall" continues this story as our explorers discover regions of large somber caverns in the "Outback" and great halls of cascading flowstone including the crown jewel ,"Firefall Hall". Great accounts of daring climbs are recounted which result in the discovery of "Ghostbuster Hall" and a major extension of the cave called the "Northwest Passage". Disaster strikes when cave explorer, Emily Mobley, broke her leg deep in the system resulting in one of the largest cave rescue efforts in history. Political battle also rage as tensions flare between Carlsbad Caverns National Park and the Lechuguilla Cave Project shaking the project to its core. As the era of ePublishing dawns, this trilogy is also an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the power of the emerging medium of the eBook. How hard it is to truly appreciate the splendor of these great halls and sublime formations without the magic of the visual image. While dauntingly expensive to print in standard book form, images of this world can be presented to the reader with lavish generosity. Visit www.whatafinecave.com to view the full photo collection. There are many ways to tell a story. The premise of this book was to tell the human side of this great adventure by following the exploration careers of five of the most important cave explorers active in this endeavor during this time. This is an original history that should be considered a primary historic source for this subject (except were noted). These writings are drawn from the direct experience of the authors as well as numerous other literary sources and interviews with the key parties. The beauty of this approach is that it allows for a grand narrative of these great discoveries as seen through the eyes of the original explorers in a well developed, coherent and dramatic way. And while this is a book of adventure, it is also a book about friendship as ordinary (if perhaps eccentric) people worked together to reveal a truly extraordinary realm previously unknown to humanity.
“The Firefall” is the second installment of three eBooks that chronicles the exploration and human history of Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico from approximately 1985 to 2005. These two decades represent one of the most exciting and important chapters of original geographic exploration in our time as a vast realm of sublime beauty, which had lain hidden for countless centuries, was finally revealed. Universally acclaimed as the world’s most beautiful cave, the wonders and unique geological discoveries of Lechuguilla Cave provide a window into a part of our planet we know the least about. The climactic conclusion of "Elusive Majesty" leaves Lyle Moss at the top of the Aragonitemare climb on the threshold of a vast new cavernous realm yet to be explored. "The Firefall" continues this story as our explorers discover regions of large somber caverns in the "Outback" and great halls of cascading flowstone including the crown jewel ,"Firefall Hall". Great accounts of daring climbs are recounted which result in the discovery of "Ghostbuster Hall" and a major extension of the cave called the "Northwest Passage". Disaster strikes when cave explorer, Emily Mobley, broke her leg deep in the system resulting in one of the largest cave rescue efforts in history. Political battle also rage as tensions flare between Carlsbad Caverns National Park and the Lechuguilla Cave Project shaking the project to its core. As the era of ePublishing dawns, this trilogy is also an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the power of the emerging medium of the eBook. How hard it is to truly appreciate the splendor of these great halls and sublime formations without the magic of the visual image. While dauntingly expensive to print in standard book form, images of this world can be presented to the reader with lavish generosity. Visit www.whatafinecave.com to view the full photo collection. There are many ways to tell a story. The premise of this book was to tell the human side of this great adventure by following the exploration careers of five of the most important cave explorers active in this endeavor during this time. This is an original history that should be considered a primary historic source for this subject (except were noted). These writings are drawn from the direct experience of the authors as well as numerous other literary sources and interviews with the key parties. The beauty of this approach is that it allows for a grand narrative of these great discoveries as seen through the eyes of the original explorers in a well developed, coherent and dramatic way. And while this is a book of adventure, it is also a book about friendship as ordinary (if perhaps eccentric) people worked together to reveal a truly extraordinary realm previously unknown to humanity.