Have you ever discovered a priceless gem in the most strangest of places? The Boaz Prayer is one such priceless gem you will find in the most strangest of places—hidden in the deep, rugged, dark corners of a place called “nowhere.” Like a rose trampled on the ground, like an oasis in the middle of a parched desert, the Boaz prayer found in the book of Ruth adds elegance, grace and romance to an otherwise depressing milieu. This is especially so when you realize that Ruth lived during the days when the judges governed Israel and utter hopelessness filled the whole land. What an array of hope the Boaz prayer affords to Ruth in particular and then to many generations later. In spite of the bleak conditions of our times we need to be reminded that God still answers Boaz-like prayers. For those who will pray daring prayers, God can still turn their tragedies into triumphs, their tests into testimonies, their defeats into destiny and their mess into a message of Romance, Redemption and Restoration.
Have you ever discovered a priceless gem in the most strangest of places? The Boaz Prayer is one such priceless gem you will find in the most strangest of places—hidden in the deep, rugged, dark corners of a place called “nowhere.” Like a rose trampled on the ground, like an oasis in the middle of a parched desert, the Boaz prayer found in the book of Ruth adds elegance, grace and romance to an otherwise depressing milieu. This is especially so when you realize that Ruth lived during the days when the judges governed Israel and utter hopelessness filled the whole land. What an array of hope the Boaz prayer affords to Ruth in particular and then to many generations later. In spite of the bleak conditions of our times we need to be reminded that God still answers Boaz-like prayers. For those who will pray daring prayers, God can still turn their tragedies into triumphs, their tests into testimonies, their defeats into destiny and their mess into a message of Romance, Redemption and Restoration.