Supernatural Horror In Literature is H P Lovecraft's crowning work of non-fiction, a brilliant, incisive and comprehensive survey of macabre literature from its very inception up until 1927. As well as providing invaluable information on this genre of fiction, the essay also sheds revealing light on the influences which helped create Lovecraft's unique vision of horror. This special ebook edition of "Supernatural Horror In Literature" also includes the bonus essay by Lovecraft, "Notes On Writing Weird Fiction".
Supernatural Horror In Literature is H P Lovecraft's crowning work of non-fiction, a brilliant, incisive and comprehensive survey of macabre literature from its very inception up until 1927. As well as providing invaluable information on this genre of fiction, the essay also sheds revealing light on the influences which helped create Lovecraft's unique vision of horror. This special ebook edition of "Supernatural Horror In Literature" also includes the bonus essay by Lovecraft, "Notes On Writing Weird Fiction".