Sony Electronics has released the latest in its DSLR mirror-less line of cameras in the form of the Sony A6300 camera. The new model, dubbed the updated version of the A6000 released in 2014, has been introduced as the leader in digital imaging, while boasting the world’s fastest auto-focus. Since the launch in early 2016, the A6300 has received numerous reviews and commendations on the many improved features and even more accolades for the new specifications included in the model.
Sony Electronics has released the latest in its DSLR mirror-less line of cameras in the form of the Sony A6300 camera. The new model, dubbed the updated version of the A6000 released in 2014, has been introduced as the leader in digital imaging, while boasting the world’s fastest auto-focus. Since the launch in early 2016, the A6300 has received numerous reviews and commendations on the many improved features and even more accolades for the new specifications included in the model.