Simi is a fiction story of a young Kenya Asian girl who is left alone in Kenya while all her family moved to London. When she finally catches up with her family she has a hard fight with herself as she battles with feelings of remorse and revenge. It is a story of how a young girl battles against insurmountable odds and how she adjusts to life in modern Britain. Simi the book was first conceived on 10 June 2011 but did not come out for over four and a half years.
Simi is a fiction story of a young Kenya Asian girl who is left alone in Kenya while all her family moved to London. When she finally catches up with her family she has a hard fight with herself as she battles with feelings of remorse and revenge. It is a story of how a young girl battles against insurmountable odds and how she adjusts to life in modern Britain. Simi the book was first conceived on 10 June 2011 but did not come out for over four and a half years.